John Terra

John Terra is both a writer and a game creator, credited with authoring the sourcebooks Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two and its sequel, Volume Three. He also collaborated on writing projects such as Twin Stars of Kira, Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, and Coruscant and the Core Worlds, with the last two being for the Star Wars d20 system, which was published by Wizards of the Coast.

From 1985 to 2001, John Terra was a prolific author of role-playing games. Beyond his contributions to both the West End Games and WotC Star Wars systems, he also created content for Dragon Magazine, Dungeon Magazine, AD&D 2nd Edition (encompassing Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms, and Spelljammer), D&D Basic, Mayfair Games, FASA, West End Games, Flying Buffalo, and KenzerCo.

Currently residing in New Hampshire with his wife and their four feline companions, John is the father of four children. Three of his children are active participants in gaming, while one previously engaged in gaming but no longer does. His preferred games include Pathfinder, TORG, Call of Cthulhu, and Paranoia. Professionally, he works as a technical content editor, alongside maintaining a freelance career. Recently, he has returned to the RPG writing scene, contributing to various projects for the TORG: Eternity role-playing game, and is presently a member of their active writing team. Furthermore, he is a professional blogger.
