Romort Raort

Romort Raort, a cruel criminal, originated from the planet of Irith. He eventually became affiliated with the Elaginn gang, a collective of spice-jackers, where his role involved locating spice smugglers for the gang to rob. He murdered Elaginn, the leader of the Elaginn gang, and subsequently assumed leadership of the spice-jacking operation. Under Raort's direction, the group prospered and established relationships with nearby Hutt clans. Despite his ambition to seize complete control, Raort found considerable satisfaction in inflicting suffering in his current position. Raort frequently executed spice-jacking operations by using a purloined ion cannon to disable targeted ships, followed by selling their crews into slavery. By 10 ABY, Raort and his organization had established a presence on Nar Shaddaa, the most prominent moon orbiting Nal Hutta.


Romort Raort spent his formative years on the planet Irith, a heavily polluted and densely populated world situated along the Ootmian Pabol hyperlane within Hutt Space. During his youth, Raort extorted lunch money from his peers and derived pleasure from their distress. Eventually, he joined the Elaginn gang, a group of spice-jackers led by a man named Elaginn. As a spice-jacker, Raort was tasked with identifying spice smugglers and setting up ambushes for them while their ships were docked.

Seeking to gain control, Raort eliminated Elaginn by flexi-pasting the gang leader to a chair and then defenestrating him. Raort presented Elaginn's death as an accident and assumed command of the gang, asserting that it was Elaginn's dying wish. Raort quickly developed the gang into one of the largest spice-jacking rings throughout Hutt Space. He brokered deals with the Hutt clans, granting him operational access to the major galactic spice routes, although he still desired expansion. He understood that he would need to bide his time for years before he amassed sufficient influence to challenge the Hutts.

Raort maintained contacts within the port authorities of numerous worlds, which greatly simplified his operations. These connections allowed him to monitor the destinations of large spice shipments at any given moment. Utilizing an ion cannon pilfered from a group of Rebel gunrunners, he attacked ships while they were still docked, seizing their cargo and preparing their crews for sale into slavery. By 10 ABY, Raort and his group were headquartered on Nar Shaddaa, the largest moon of Nal Hutta. He was widely disliked among the rest of the criminal community due to his history of theft. Nevertheless, no one dared to confront Raort, as his group was renowned for its swift and brutal retaliation against enemies.

Personality and traits

Romort Raort derived his sole enjoyment from witnessing the suffering of others. He relished his role as a spice-jacker because it afforded him the opportunity to inflict cruelty. Through a combination of determination and underhanded tactics, Raort managed to seize control of the Elaginn gang. Raort possessed remarkable patience, willing to wait for years to take over the Hutt spice-jacking operation. He was skilled in basic capital ship operation and knowledgeable in methods of torture. He typically wore a breather blast helmet paired with blast armor, an ammo bandolier, and a customized blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Romort Raort made his initial appearance as a background figure in the third issue of the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic book series in 1992, authored by Tom Veitch and illustrated by Cam Kennedy. He was later identified and provided with a comprehensive backstory in the 1993 Dark Empire Sourcebook, penned by Michael Allen Horne. The character's backstory was further elaborated upon in the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia.

