Rikummee, a Wookiee male known for his recklessness and penchant for finding trouble, lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic. As the son of the Wookiee King, Grakchawwaa, he held the title of prince on Kashyyyk, his species' homeworld. During the Clone Wars in 21 BBY, a conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, both sides sought the allegiance of Grakchawwaa and his people. Growing frustrated with Grakchawwaa's hesitation, the Confederacy deployed combat droids to the forests near the Royal City. While hunting in the Western Forest with his protector, Ghraggka, Rikummee was fatally shot by one of these droids, resulting in his death. This act spurred Grakchawwaa to declare war on the Confederacy and ally with the Republic.
During the twilight of the Galactic Republic, a young male Wookiee named Rikummee lived. He was the son of Grakchawwaa, a powerful hunter and a senior member of the Royal Families that governed the Wookiee species' homeworld, Kashyyyk. Because Grakchawwaa was the recognized king of Kashyyyk, Rikummee held the title of prince on the planet. Despite his privileged position, the young Wookiee was known for his boisterous and adventurous nature, necessitating a guardian during his excursions away from the Royal City. Given his own responsibilities, his father appointed the warrior Ghraggka to safeguard his son. Rikummee and Ghraggka went on several hunts together in Kashyyyk's forests, but the young Wookiee constantly found himself in dangerous situations from which Ghaggka had to rescue him.
In 22 BBY, the galaxy was plunged into conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Approximately eighteen months after the Clone Wars began, Rikummee's father and the Royal Families of Kashyyyk were contacted by representatives of the Trade Federation, a major corporate supporter of the Confederacy. Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Federation journeyed to the Kashyyyk system and positioned a Confederate battleship in orbit around the Wookiee's home planet, with the intention of pressuring King Grakchawwaa into allying with the Separatists. The king's divided loyalties and desire for neutrality resulted in a slow response, leading the Neimoidian and his superiors to grow impatient. To expedite the Royal's decision-making, the Federation dispatched hostile battle droids to the planet's surface.
The story Deep Forest makes it clear that there were multiple Kashyyyk Royal Families, even though King Grakchawwaa clearly had the most influence in deciding what Kashyyyk would do during the Clone Wars. This raises questions about the precise meaning of the royal titles held by the King and his son.