The Kashyyyk Royal Families comprised aristocratic Wookiee lineages residing on their native Kashyyyk, their homeworld.
One of the duties held by these Royal Families was determining the planet's position during periods of armed conflict. Therefore, in 21 BBY, when the Clone Wars began, their delegates convened within the Kashyyyk Royal City, forming a council where King Grakchawwaa held significant influence.
The precise constitutional framework of Kashyyyk during this era remains ambiguous based on available information. While the council appeared to respect Grakchawwaa's viewpoints, the existence of multiple Royal Families operating as a joint decision-making entity suggests a more complex system. The specific reasons behind Grakchawwaa's elevated status are not fully understood.
Initially, Grakchawwaa opted for a neutral stance. However, upon receiving news that Separatist battle droids had slain his son, he vehemently pledged his allegiance to the Republic, leading his planet into active participation in the war.