A race of insects that originated on the planet Riileb located within Hutt Space ultimately developed into the sentient Riileb species. These beings could reach heights ranging from 2 to 2.75 meters. These ancestral insects were sociable creatures equipped with antennae. Inhabiting the scattered islands amidst the swamps of their homeworld, they constructed elaborate, maze-like structures as their dwellings. The Riileb maintained several characteristics from their insect-like origins, notably their antennae. Their cities also mirrored the intricate design of the mounds built by their predecessors. The First Riileb, the initial member of the species to evolve, holds a significant place in Riileb mythology.
The initial reference to the Riilebs' ancestral species appeared in "Alien Encounters," a piece penned by Brian Smithson. It was featured in the thirteenth edition of the Star Wars Adventure Journals, a supplementary resource for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game created by West End Games and released on May 1, 1997.
- " Alien Encounters " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 13 (First mentioned)
- Alien Encounters