Rescue of Attichitcuk

Between the years of 39 BBY and 36 BBY, the Wookiee colonists residing on the moon known as Alaris Prime undertook a rescue operation to retrieve their chieftain, Attichitcuk, who had been captured by the droid forces belonging to the Trade Federation. At that point in time, the Wookiees and the Trade Federation were vying for control of Alaris Prime, and Attichitcuk had suffered injuries and was presumed deceased following an ambush by enemy Battle Droid Beta Versions.

Under the guidance of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Chewbacca, Attichitcuk's son, spearheaded a group of bowcaster troopers from a designated base with the objective of saving his father. During the mission, they destroyed battle droids under the command of DRN-38. After locating and reviving Attichitcuk, the group returned to the base, eliminating even more droids, including three droidekas. Subsequently, Chewbacca assumed leadership of the colonists while his father recuperated.


Initial Stages of War Preparation

Chewbacca his fellow Wookiees prepare to face the Trade Federation on Alaris Prime.

Between 39 BBY and 36 BBY, after the Senate of the Galactic Republic authorized the Wookiee to colonize the moon of Alaris Prime, Chieftain Attichitcuk led a group of colonists from his species to establish a settlement on their newly acquired territory. Upon their arrival on Alaris Prime, a team of Wookiee bowcaster troopers under the leadership of Chewbacca, who was Attichitcuk's son, engaged and destroyed a contingent of Battle Droid Beta Versions from the Trade Federation, which was unlawfully attempting to seize control of the moon.

In preparation for further armed conflict with the Trade Federation Droid Army, Attichitcuk embarked on a reconnaissance mission, accompanied by two other Wookiees, to assess the scope of their adversary's operations. Simultaneously, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, a representative of the Jedi Order who was advising the colonists, tasked Chewbacca with overseeing the training of bowcaster troopers at a designated base.

A Chieftain's Predicament

The ambush of Attichitcuk

After locating several battle droids in the vicinity, all under the command of DRN-38, Attichitcuk began his journey back to the base. However, his path was obstructed by another group of droids who demanded he surrender. Upon the chieftain's refusal, the droids eliminated his companions, severely injuring Attichitcuk and leaving him for dead.

Through the Force, Jinn perceived that Attichitcuk had survived his injuries. Jinn urged Chewbacca to remain composed and advised the Wookiees to increase the number of trained warriors and construct a medical droid. Once ten bowcaster troopers had received adequate training, Jinn instructed Chewbacca, who was armed with his own bowcaster, to gather his troops and the medical droid at a series of markers located at the base's perimeter, thereby initiating the rescue mission. Meanwhile, additional troopers underwent training at the base to maintain its defenses.

The Rescue Operation

Jinn instructed the eleven Wookiees to maintain close proximity and remain vigilant for potential threats. The group proceeded northwest, arriving at a river crossing where three Battle Droid Beta Versions armed with E-5 blaster rifles were stationed. The Wookiees successfully destroyed the droids, but sustained injuries during the encounter. Following Jinn's advice, the group paused to receive medical attention from the medical droid before continuing their journey.

After defeating four more droids on the opposite bank of the river, the Wookiees eventually located Attichitcuk, who was lying wounded on the ground. The Wookiee medical droid administered treatment to the chieftain, enabling him to accompany Chewbacca's party back to safety. Simultaneously, a new squad of at least two bowcaster troopers departed from the base, following the path of the initial group with the intention of providing reinforcement.

Droidekas attacking the Wookiee base

As Chewbacca's group made their way back to the base, a contingent of six Battle Droid Beta Versions engaged them on the southern side of the river. However, the arrival of the Wookiee reinforcements resulted in the swift annihilation of the droids. Upon the Wookiees' return to the base, Jinn advised Attichitcuk to seek refuge in the base's command center, sensing an impending attack. DRN-38 dispatched three droidekas, a more formidable type of battle droid, to assault the base, but Chewbacca and the Wookiees successfully repelled the attack.

Subsequent Events

After a successful recovery from his injuries, Attichitcuk relinquished his position as the leader of the colonists, with Chewbacca succeeding him. With Jinn's assistance, the Wookiees launched two offensives: one against a Trade Federation outpost and another against a listening array. By the time of the decisive Battle for Alaris Prime, Attichitcuk had fully recovered, and the Trade Federation was driven off the moon.

Background Information

The rescue of Attichitcuk was initially mentioned in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, which was released on November 7, 2001. Subsequently, it appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The game features the fourth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, titled "Researching Technology," in which the player is tasked with rescuing Attichitcuk to complete the level. The player has control over the number of troopers deployed into the battle and will immediately lose if either Chewbacca or Attichitcuk are killed.

The appearance of the droidekas in the level is a scripted event that only occurs after Attichitcuk has been garrisoned. A minor discrepancy exists between the accompanying strategy guide and the game itself. The strategy guide states that five battle droids are present on the opposite side of the river when the player first crosses it, while only four are present in the game. This article considers the game to be the accurate representation of events.

