Rescue at the Imperial garbage scow

The freeing of numerous slaves from the Imperial garbage scow was orchestrated by Saadoon-Kauldi as a part of his anti-slaver campaign.


Prior to 10 BBY, Saadoon-Kauldi, a rising star in the Kadri'Ra, a crime lord, and one-time slave, resolved to commit his assets, for a time, to liberating enslaved individuals from vessels trafficking in slavery. His past experiences had shown him that freed slaves tended to pledge allegiance to him, thereby expanding his power and sway.

Within this initiative, Saadoon-Kauldi launched an assault on a garbage scow connected to the Galactic Empire, which was holding hundreds of slaves, and among them was an aged and refined Devaronian named Guzald. The assault proved fruitful, resulting in the liberation of the slaves. Many of them, Guzald included, then became part of Saadoon-Kauldi's criminal empire.


  • The Black Sands of Socorro
