Republica Galactica

The Republica Galactica, once a galactic government, met its end due to the actions of corrupt politicians and trader barons, paving the way for the emergence of the First Galactic Empire.

Established a century millennia prior to the Empire's rise, the Republica owed its foundation to an individual known as The Skywalker.

At its peak, the Republica encompassed over a million worlds. However, the Great Senate, becoming too cumbersome to effectively govern, was subverted by the leaders of powerful guilds responsible for power and transport. The Jedi uncovered this conspiracy, but were subsequently falsely accused of treason, resulting in the trial and death sentences for several Jedi. Senators then masterminded acts of civil unrest and terrorism, fostering public demand for a police state, which ultimately led to the Empire's formation, with the Emperor serving as a mere figurehead.

The Holy Rebellion of '06 witnessed the downfall of the Republica's protectors, the Jedi Bendu of Ashla, in a conflict against the Black Knights of the Sith. Consequently, the Sith, led by the Master of the Sith, assumed the role of the Emperor's bodyguards.

The last vestiges of the Republica sought refuge in the Outlands systems and the Great Rift, seeking to evade the Empire's oppressive rule.

Behind the scenes

The Republica Galactica was a concept that first appeared in the second draft of the screenplay for A New Hope. This idea was carried over into the story synopsis and the third draft. In the fourth draft, it was renamed the Old Republic.

This concept would later evolve into the Galactic Republic within Star Wars Legends and the Prequel trilogy. An earlier iteration is present in the novelization of A New Hope, which alludes to "the massive organs of commerce" and Palpatine's role as a puppet. The involvement of corporate entities resurfaces in the Prequel trilogy through the Trade Federation and the factions comprising the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The term Republica is used in Star Wars Legends in various contexts related to the Galactic Republic, such as 500 Republica and Republica House.


  • Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars (Mentioned only)
  • The Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Starkiller (Mentioned only)
  • The Cinema of George Lucas
  • The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film
  • Empire, the in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
