Relkass, a world situated in the Outer Rim Territories, was classified as a planet. Notably, it possessed an equatorial zone characterized by extensive grasslands. Within these grasslands thrived the Relkass sentinel plant, a type of cactus renowned for containing a potent narcotic substance within its sap.
During the arid season on Relkass, the draagax, a species of nocturnal creatures that operate in packs, would consume the sentinel plants. The narcotic compound triggered a frenzied state in the draagax, leading them to aggressively target other creatures. The resulting damage to the local ranchers led to the establishment of regular rewards for draagax hides. Lajar Weqill, a Commander, once participated in a hunting expedition on Relkass that was ambushed by draagax, an event that left a lasting impression on Weqill.

This planet, Relkass, was known to have at least one moon in its orbit. Its position was within the Relkass system, which itself resided within the Saijo sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
Each year, the planet experienced a noticeable dry season. Relkass's equatorial region was dominated by grasslands, a habitat for small rodents. The flora of these grasslands included the Relkass sentinel plant, a cactus species that flowered during the dry season, and razorgrass, a plant also found on Togoria in the Mid Rim and Corellia in the Core Worlds.
The grasslands of Relkass bordered foothills containing numerous caves. These caves were inhabited by draagax, a species of nocturnal, omnivorous creatures that lived in packs. Typically, the draagax sustained themselves on the plants and rodents of the grasslands. However, the consumption of Relkass sentinel plant juice, which contained a powerful narcotic substance, induced a berserk state, causing them to attack any warm-blooded creature, including humanoids, they encountered.

On one occasion, Lajar Weqill, a Human commander, found himself stranded on Relkass without sufficient funds to depart. A local hunter named Jameson persuaded Weqill to join his hunting group, which also included Grendles and Zonder, on a draagax hunt.
The group departed from the Jameson ranch after nightfall and were attacked by a draagax pack within 500 meters of the ranch. Surrounded by the creatures, the hunting party engaged in a chaotic shooting spree to defend themselves, continuing until dawn. The reward for the killed draagax provided Weqill with enough credits to leave Relkass. Nonetheless, the commander was deeply affected by the hunt and documented the experience in his personal diary.
Relkass was initially mentioned in Creatures of the Galaxy, a 1994 sourcebook by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The book also presented an in-universe depiction of the planet in the short story "A Moonlight Stroll In The Country..." The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Relkass system, and therefore Relkass itself, in grid square K-20.