
The Draagax, frequently nicknamed "drag," was a sizable, rodent-resembling, omnivorous being that lived on the world of Relkass. Reaching a height of two meters, sporting lengthy ears, and possessing venomous fangs, the Draagax became a hazardous hunter when consuming the intoxicating Relkass sentinel plant. This enraged beast, utilizing both standard and infrared vision, would pursue any warm-blooded creature, abandoning its usual sustenance of razor grass and smaller rodents. Draagax were pack animals, commonly found in Relkass's equatorial zones.

Because of the threat presented by a Draagax affected by the sentinel plant's narcotic effects, Relkass authorities offered a bounty to hunters for reducing Draagax populations during the arid periods. However, only a small number could accept, given the perils inherent in Draagax hunts.


  • Creatures of the Galaxy
