Reginard Base was a clandestine Rebel installation located on the planet of Reginard. General Halomar Corros and Captain Tony Franco once facilitated Dirk Harkness' employment at the base, where he served as a mechanic.
General Corros oversaw the base's operations, leading a team of high-ranking officers. Among them were Imperial mole Major Tanya Madera, X-wing squadron leader Captain Tony Franco, Senior Technician Adonar Dellox, and Doctor Akimbo. Shortly before the base could deploy its passive sensor array on the planet's far side, Dellox uncovered an Imperial transmitter embedded within it. Madera then murdered Dellox, infecting him with the lethal triflexia virus. This prompted Akimbo to screen all base personnel for the virus. A Rebel team, suspecting foul play in Dellox's death, launched an investigation. However, they found little definitive evidence and instead assisted in repairing the sensor array. Upon attempting to deploy the array, Madera activated the hidden beacon, which resulted in Hawker Bryce-Kelley's arrival aboard his vessel, the Queen's Victory. Corros tasked the Rebels with determining the reason for his landing near the beacon. Bryce-Kelly then informed them that he was tracking a Stellar Class starport beacon originating from the hill where the sensor array was situated. Madera then ambushed the group, and they killed her in self defense. Following this, the base detected an Imperial vessel entering the system. However, the Rebel group successfully dissuaded the crew from investigating further, thereby preserving the secrecy of Reginard Base.