
Recopia, a planet situated within the Recopi system, existed in the Core Worlds, positioned between the Corellian Run and the Hydian Way. The annual Bandercamp Auctions took place there, specifically within the Hinder Market.

Geographic features

Due to a scarcity of significant natural resources, Recopia exhibited less urbanization compared to many other important planets in the Core. The planet was characterized by sulfuric oceans constantly disturbed by poisonous cloud formations. These dangerous oceans were interrupted only by a chain of plateau islands that ascended dramatically into the atmosphere.


The rather unremarkable island known as Mallif Cove on Recopia once sheltered a concealed fortress that belonged to the Seyugi Dervishes, a group of Force-sensitive assassins.

Following their triumph at the Battle of Endor, Recopia was also among the initial Core Worlds to openly endorse the New Republic. Given its advantageous position, the New Republic Navy built a base on Recopia, serving as a launch point for numerous initial offensives into the Core. The New Republic's assault on Brentaal IV was initiated from this Recopian base.

