Pecoppi parrot

Pecoppi parrots, originating from the planet Recopia, were a species of birds exhibiting limited sentience. These parrots were frequently subjected to drugging and subsequent sale to individuals who collect pets. Possessing intelligence, these birds distinguished themselves as one of the rare animal species capable of vocalizing in multiple languages. Their diet consisted of berries and fruits, classifying them as herbivores, though they occasionally supplemented their diet with insects. Displaying a spectrum of vibrant colors, they commonly showed affection toward both their own kind and other species, exhibiting social and inquisitive behaviors. Despite demonstrating characteristics that meet the criteria for sentience, they were officially not recognized as such. The hunting of these birds was prohibited by law; nonetheless, they were designated as a threatened species as a result of illicit hunting and trafficking.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds (First mentioned)

Notes and references
