Ranna Gorjaye

Lieutenant Ranna "Wing-Ripper" Gorjaye served the New Republic as a pilot, and more specifically, she was the commander of the starfighter squadron aboard the vessel known as the FarStar.


Early Life

Gorjaye was born on the planet Salliche, and it was there that she enlisted in the Salliche Student Militia, learning to pilot a Z-95 Headhunter. Demonstrating skill, she earned a scholarship to the flight corps program at the Raithal Academy, where she achieved top graduate status. The details of her activities post-graduation remain somewhat vague. Some accounts suggest she excelled as an elite TIE fighter pilot, while others claim she defected to the Rebel Alliance shortly after her graduation.

At some point, either while she was with the Salliche Student Militia or during her time at the Raithal Academy, Gorjaye and a fellow pilot named Calson were involved in a mid-air collision during a training exercise, resulting in a crash landing in a jungle. Calson, refusing to follow Gorjaye's lead due to her gender, decided to venture out on his own. While Gorjaye managed to survive, Calson met his end at the hands of a corvaj.

Rebel Alliance/ New Republic service

Gorjaye participated in numerous battles for both the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic, eventually rising to the rank of squadron commander. She played a key role in the task force responsible for liberating Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY. After the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, she received a transfer to the FarStar, taking on the role of squadron commander. She was not pleased with this assignment, expressing her reluctance to take orders from what she considered "hot-shot commandos" on a "losers' mission."

Personality and traits

Command style

Gorjaye, known for being abrasive and assertive, was nonetheless a highly respected member of the FarStar's command structure. She possessed the ability to accomplish objectives efficiently, minimizing pilot and fighter losses, and was also known for her quick temper.

As a commander who didn't tolerate nonsense, Gorjaye strictly enforced discipline within her squadron. She demanded that her pilots pay close attention during briefings, absorb every word she spoke, and follow her instructions without hesitation. Anyone who dared to question or disagree with her would be benched for the following mission. Despite her strictness, she placed immense trust in the skills and capabilities of her pilots.

On the FarStar, Gorjaye was notorious as the terror of the docking bay, constantly issuing orders to technicians and reprimanding individuals. She considered the docking bay her personal domain, where her word was absolute law. Anyone who attempted to correct her or challenge her authority would face swift and decisive consequences. Her ideal operational state was to have all craft in a constant state of readiness.

She harbored a lack of confidence in the FarStar's command team, believing she could lead more effectively. Gorjaye was known to make unsolicited visits to the bridge to offer tactical advice, often resulting in her being asked to leave by the command crew.


In contrast to many members of the FarStar's crew, Gorjaye was quite open about her past and frequently boasted about the numerous combat engagements she had participated in. Her training and graduation from the Raithal Academy flight corps program was perhaps her most frequently recounted story. However, she typically avoided mentioning her upbringing on Salliche or her involvement with the Salliche Student Militia.

Behind the scenes

The exact timing of the incident involving Gorjaye and Calson's jungle crash remains uncertain. Calson's refusal to obey Gorjaye's orders because of her gender suggests that it may have occurred during her time at the Raithal Academy.

