Ram Jomaram

During the High Republic Era, in the Valo Temple located on the planet of Valo, resided a human male Jedi Padawan known as Ram Jomaram. He was under the tutelage of Ongree Jedi Master Kunpar Vasivola. Ahead of the Nihil attack on Valo, Jomaram made a discovery of Nihil sabotage at Valo's communications tower. His attempts to alert the other Jedi on Valo were unfortunately too late to prevent the impending assault.

Later, Jomaram journeyed to Corellia within the Core Worlds, accompanied by fellow Padawan Reath Silas and Jedi Masters Kantam Sy and Cohmac Vitus. Their mission was to investigate the presence of a Nihil marauder cell. Jomaram, alongside his Jedi companions, engaged the Nihil in the Battle of the Corellian Shipyards, successfully thwarting the pirates' attempt to seize Galactic Republic starships intended for an ambush on the space station Starlight Beacon.

Following the invasion of Valo by the Nihil, who then placed it behind their Stormwall inside the Occlusion Zone, Jomaram adopted the identity of a masked vigilante called the "Scarlet Skull," endeavoring to resist the Nihil's control. Jedi younglings Gavi, Kildo, and Tep Tep, who spent months concealed within the planet's mountains, found encouragement in the tales of Jomaram's courageous actions, motivating them to return to Lonisa City.



Born around 245 BBY on Valo, Ram Jomaram made it his home and became the Jedi Padawan of Kunpar Vasivola. As preparations for the Republic Fair were underway, Jomaram investigated a malfunction at Crashpoint Tower, where he observed Nihil fleeing the scene. Seeking to warn the other Jedi at the Valo Temple, he was mistaken for an intruder and apprehended by Idrax Snat of the Valo Security Force. Employing a mind trick on Snat, Jomaram managed to send a warning message to Starlight Beacon about the Nihil's sabotage, but was subsequently confined to a detention center by Snat. Fellow prisoners included Ty Yorrick and Mantessa Chekkat. As the Nihil initiated their attack on the fair, Jomaram and Yorrick collaborated to break free from their cells.

Jomaram encountered Lula Talisola, who had arrived on Valo in response to Jomaram's message. They journeyed towards Crashpoint Tower on Jomaram's modified droid, V-18, until Nihil blasterfire damaged the droid, forcing the Padawans to continue on foot. Ty Yorrick, riding a sanval, rescued them from further Nihil encounters. The Padawans then joined Zeen Mrala on a sanval ride to Crashpoint Tower, only to discover it had been seized by a group of Drengir.

The group landed on the tower and engaged in combat with both Drengir and Nihil forces. Jomaram discerned that the Nihil had brought the Drengir to Valo, forming a pact with them. He and Mrala convinced the Drengir that the Nihil's promises of living meat were false, as the Nihil were actively killing the inhabitants of Valo. Consequently, the Drengir turned against the Nihil, assisting Jomaram and Talisola in destroying their ships. After the Drengir fled in a remaining Nihil ship, Jomaram successfully repaired the tower's communications using parts salvaged from V-18.

Jomaram, Talisola, and Mrala returned to the city to guide survivors of the attack to the Jedi temple. They witnessed Yorrick on her sanval under attack by scav droids. Jomaram flew up on V-18, seized one of the droids, and reprogrammed it to signal the other droids to retreat. Yorrick expressed her gratitude to the Padawan for his assistance.


Following the Valo Atrocity, Jomaram, along with Talisola, Mrala, and V-18, journeyed to Starlight Beacon. There, he met Talisola's friends and fellow Padawans Qort and Farzala Tarabal, as well as Hutt Clan security officer Ishnar Ti-Kharatal. They all attended a briefing led by Jedi Masters Torban Buck and Kantam Sy, where they received a mission to support the Jedi outpost on Takodana against attacks from a Nihil cell commanded by Krix Kamerat. Upon arriving on Takodana, the Jedi and Mrala met the pirate queen Maz Kanata and the sole Jedi stationed at Takodana's temple, Sav Malagán. While Buck and Sy scouted the forest, Jomaram and the others entered the temple to help prepare for another Nihil attack. Nihil member Sabata Krill, posing as a defector, detonated an explosive within the temple. Jomaram and his companions survived the temple's collapse, and Qort, whose helmet had been damaged, repelled the returning Nihil ships. Jomaram, Talisola, Tarabal, and Mrala were surprised to see Qort with his face bare, but they all embraced him.

Back on Starlight

While on Starlight Beacon, Master Torban Buck was preparing to bake sweet story custard cake and instructed Jomaram to disinfect the kitchen and remove Cham Cham and the Bonbraks. Porter Engle inquired about the most crucial ingredient of the cakes, which Jomaram guessed was lard, but Engle clarified was the story to be shared while baking. Jomaram listened as Buck and Kantam Sy recounted their participation in the rescue efforts during the Great Hyperspace Disaster, and then enjoyed the finished cakes.

Later, Jomaram was present when Buck and Sy announced the Great Jedi Rumble Race. Jomaram inquired if he could ride his modified droid V-18, and Buck emphasized the absence of rules. Jomaram commenced the race alongside several other Padawans and participants. He flew on V-18 until two other young Jedi entangled him and the droid in a cloth. Continuing the race on foot, Jomaram passed by Stellan Gios, Emerick Caphtor, and Sian Holt, greeting the trio as he ran by. Jomaram approached the finish line simultaneously with many other racers, but Master Buck used a Force push to knock the group over and secure first place for himself. Jomaram protested that Buck had been cheering them on during the race, to which Buck replied that he was cheering for second place.

Mission to Corellia

Still aboard Starlight, Jomaram attended a briefing where Masters Sy and Buck relayed a message from Minister Fendirfal concerning a possible Nihil presence on Corellia. After Jomaram sparred with fellow Padawan Reath Silas, Jomaram, Silas, Sy, and Master Cohmac Vitus departed the station for Corellia.

Upon arriving in Coronet City, Jomaram and Silas met Alys "Crash" Ongwa, the head of Supreme Coronet City Diplomat Protection, whose employee had been murdered by Sabata Krill. Ongwa offered the Padawans a favor in exchange for their assistance, and Jomaram requested to see Corellia's shipyards. Ongwa arranged their access, and they met ship designer Shug Drabor.

Ongwa had Svi'no Atchapat and Ansh, two members of her team, disguise the Padawans as members of the Scarlet Skull Cult for intimidation purposes. She brought the two to a gathering that included Coronet's City Fathers, which Masters Sy and Vitus attended separately. When Ongwa initiated a fight in response to Ovus Buckell's remarks, the Masters and Padawans retreated to a side room to discuss the Padawans' activities. Jomaram then received a holo call from Zeen Mrala, who informed him of her impending arrival on Corellia after assisting in the capture of Krix Kamerat. After the brawl subsided, Ongwa met with her crew and the Jedi. She requested their presence at the upcoming Finance Ball to gather information, and needed a singer unknown on Corellia to perform at the event. Jomaram suggested Mrala for the role. Silas and Jomaram mentioned the Er'Kit Nihil Sabata Krill, prompting Ongwa to show the Jedi Prybolt's holo recording of Sabata.

To enable Mrala to perform at the Finance Ball, Ongwa devised a plan to remove the event's current performer, Crufeela. She had Jomaram and Tangor, one of her employees, purchase a Bonbrak slave named Teetak from a Kubaz vendor. Silas and Jomaram tempted Crufeela with a rare creature to eat. However, before the singer could consume Teetak, she was taken away by Chief Inspector Deemus Abrus of the Coronet City Chapter of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.

Finance Ball and battle at the shipyards

The following day, Jomaram greeted Zeen Mrala upon her arrival on Corellia. Reath Silas received a call from Master Vitus, who was at the municipal police barracks and confirmed the presence of Nihil on Corellia. Jomaram went to Ongwa's office with Silas and Mrala and delivered the news.

At the Finance Ball, Jomaram and Silas once again donned Scarlet Skull disguises. Jomaram was disgusted to discover that the party had a Nihil theme, with all the guests wearing gas masks. In his distress, he inadvertently used the Force to destroy a couple people's comlinks. Silas gently advised Jomaram to find balance with his emotions. Someone turned on the holo news, which showed Starlight Beacon burning, and Jomaram watched in horror.

Nihil member Nomar Tralmat opened fire on the partygoers and then was rushed out by other Nihil via a makeshift bridge to a neighboring building. Jomaram, Silas, and Mrala followed, the Padawans deflecting blasterfire. Jomaram used the Force to overheat a ventilation fan, creating a blast near the Nihil. The Force users continued their pursuit, jumping between buildings until they saw Sabata Krill and a troop transport aircraft, which Silas sneaked onto.

Jomaram was picked up by Fezzonk, a member of Ongwa's team. In Fezzonk's aircraft, Jomaram received a call from Master Sy. Sy had the Padawan relay a message to Shug Drabor via Jomaram's Bonbrak friends that the Nihil had arrived at the shipyards. Fezzonk flew them to the shipyards, where both Nihil and Corellian defenders were massing. The flier was damaged by Nihil blasters, and Jomaram jumped out of the cockpit with the Bonbraks in his shirt.

Jomaram assisted Drabor's crew with disabling the ships so that the Nihil could not steal them. When Silas was injured in the battle, Jomaram brought him into an MPO star cruiser, hid him in a storage space, and gave him some bacta packs to treat his wounds. Jomaram met Masters Sy and Vitus on the battlefield and told them what happened to Silas. The Jedi then witnessed a stolen Longbeam taking off, and Jomaram ran off by himself to stop it.

Jomaram took a Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerator from the shipyard and flew it through the atmosphere after the escaping Longbeam. Using the starfighter's drill, the Padawan flew into the Longbeam, from its rear hyperspace engine to its bridge. During this, Master Sy contacted Jomaram to inform him of another escaping ship, an MPO cruiser. Jomaram emerged from the Eviscerator into the Longbeam's bridge and deflected a blaster bolt back at a Nihil. He took the helm of the Longbeam cruiser. Jomaram contacted Silas, confirming that Silas was on the other cruiser that had taken off and telling him to get off the ship. Jomaram saw Sabata Krill in the MPO's bridge and got back into the Eviscerator as the two cruisers crashed into each other. Having the Bonbraks take control of the starfighter, Jomaram found Silas falling through the sky and telekinetically pulled him into the Eviscerator.

Landing the Eviscerator, Jomaram found the battle winding down and was surprised to see Master Yoda returned from his disappearance. The Jedi, Mrala, and Ongwa went to the home of Ongwa's mother, Baynoo. The Jedi sensed Starlight Beacon crash onto Eiram. Jomaram witnessed Yoda, Sy, and Vitus knighting Reath Silas. While Jomaram was saying goodbye to Crash Ongwa, Deemus Abrus appeared, bringing Teetak the Bonbrak to place her in the care of Jomaram, Tip, and Breebak.

Personality and traits

Jomaram possessed a generous spirit and found comfort in a garage filled with tools, mechanical components, and Bonbraks. He derived pleasure from repairing and assembling machines, viewing it as a form of meditation.

Powers and abilities

While Jomaram was naturally gifted as a mechanic, his lightsaber skills were lacking. Nevertheless, he could deflect blasterfire with his lightsaber. He had the ability to sense emotions through the Force and could use a mind trick, although not perfectly. Jomaram also demonstrated skill in using telekinesis on machinery, capable of disassembling machines and altering the behavior of droids.

Despite lacking prior experience, Jomaram was able to pilot a Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerator.


Ram Jomaram carried a tool kit and wielded a yellow-bladed lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Ram Jomaram was conceived for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. His first appearance was in the 2021 junior novel The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower by [Daniel José Older](/article/daniel_jos%c3%a9_older], released concurrently with The High Republic: The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott. Concept art for Jomaram was featured on StarWars.com during the project's launch, although his name was initially misspelled as "Jamoram" in the reveal article.

