In 3630 BBY, a joint operation was undertaken by Kaliyo Djannis and the Commander of the Alliance that stood against Zakuul. This collaborative effort involved a strike against the Overwatch command center. This center was responsible for the operation of the majority of droids within the Spire, the central hub of the Eternal Empire. Kaliyo managed to secure the Overwatch access codes with the help of her admirer, Alianna Slen, who was the daughter of the Overwatch Administrator, Tayvor Slen. Tayvor, who was infatuated with Kaliyo, had been providing her with accommodation and protection, asking only that she avoid targeting critical infrastructure. Kaliyo saw this raid as a way to repay him for his perceived humiliation. When her request for powerful explosives from the Lady of Sorrows was unsuccessful, Kaliyo turned to the Alliance Commander, who had previously rescued her from skytroopers, requesting assistance with her mission. In exchange, she promised complete schematics of the Spire from the Overwatch. Working together, they modified ion grenades and placed them within several Power Junctions located in the Spire. They then triggered these grenades simultaneously, disabling Overwatch security scanners and force fields, which allowed them to simply walk into the facility. Kaliyo and the Commander then battled their way through both skytroopers and Knights of Zakuul until they reached the droid control room. Once there, Kaliyo set her explosives while the Commander downloaded the schematics of the Spire. Tayvor Slen then arrived with a skytrooper escort in an attempt to stop them, but he was defeated and suffered a fatal wound. Kaliyo's plan was to not only disable the droids, but also to detonate explosives throughout the Spire. Afterwards, the two escaped from the Overwatch and made their way to the Alliance base located on Odessen.

In 3632 BBY, Kaliyo Djannis, formerly an anarchist, made her way to Zakuul and proceeded to initiate bombings on both civilian and military targets, with the intention of dismantling Zakuul's seemingly "perfect" society. For many Zakuulans, who had been shielded from danger throughout their lives, these destructive acts were seen less as terrorism and more as a source of excitement. This led to Kaliyo gaining a considerable following among the local population, who gave her the nickname "Firebrand." However, regardless of the extent of the damage she caused, the droids that maintained the Spire consistently repaired the damage, and Kaliyo eventually became complacent. Tayvor Slen, the Overwatch administrator, managed to persuade Kaliyo to restrict her bombings to unmanned targets only, providing Zakuulans with a harmless outlet for their darker impulses. In return, he offered Kaliyo lodging and protection from skytroopers. Kaliyo initially agreed to this arrangement, but after the Commander was freed from carbonite and caused a widespread blackout during the escape, she was inspired by the resulting fear and resumed her terrorist activities. Kaliyo began planting bombs throughout the city while also acquiring the Overwatch access data through Tayvor's daughter, Alianna Slen, who was one of her admirers. Kaliyo also placed an order with the Lady of Sorrows for high-yield explosives, arranging to collect them at an abandoned tram station in Zakuul's Old World. However, upon arriving at the meeting point, Kaliyo was attacked by Skytroopers commanded by Security Commander Towen Sor. She was only saved by the arrival of the Outlander, accompanied by Theron Shan, who defeated the attackers and approached Kaliyo with an offer to join the Alliance against the Eternal Empire. Kaliyo agreed to consider the offer on the condition that the Outlander would assist her in sabotaging the droids that controlled the Spire.

Kaliyo clarified that her objective was to infiltrate the Overwatch and disable the controls for the droids that managed the city. This would also allow the Outlander to obtain comprehensive schematics of the Spire. Together, Kaliyo and the Outlander strategically placed ion grenades within Power Junctions 353, 754, and K-H82 located in the Old World and Breaktown. After subduing Overwatch security personnel Zaamsk and Faedral, the pair proceeded to Kaliyo's apartment and detonated all three junctions simultaneously during the power grid cycle, effectively disabling the Overwatch security systems. They then traveled to the Overwatch in Kaliyo's speeder and launched an assault on the facility, overcoming Knights of Zakuul and skytroopers along the way. Ultimately, they reached the droid control room, where Kaliyo strategically placed her explosives at the controls while the Outlander downloaded the Spire's schematics. Administrator Tayvor Slen arrived with the skytroopers and attempted to intervene, but he was defeated and sustained a fatal injury during the confrontation. Kaliyo then revealed to the Outlander that her intention was not only to disable the droids, but also to trigger numerous explosives throughout the Spire, which would create widespread panic and plunge the Spire into chaos.
Kaliyo accompanied the Outlander to the Alliance base on the planet Odessen, where she officially joined the Alliance and pledged to participate in any significant missions in the future. The data acquired during the Overwatch raid was subsequently utilized by SCORPIO to uncover the existence of the GEMINI frequency, which Eternal Emperor Arcann used to control the Eternal Fleet.

During Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise of Knights of the Fallen Empire, players are presented with the choice of either preventing Kaliyo from detonating her bombs, which earns them Light Side points, or detonating the bombs themselves or allowing Kaliyo to do so, which earns them Dark Side points. This decision results in significant civilian casualties and can have far-reaching consequences, potentially leading to Koth Vortena and his crew abandoning the Alliance and later stealing the Gravestone.