District 1327

Breaktown, otherwise known as District 1327, existed on Zakuul as a district dominated by the corrupt, where the powerful preyed on the vulnerable.


Kaliyo Djannis in Breaktown

This ruined urban wasteland, Breaktown, sat beneath the Old World and represented the very bottom level of Zakuul's sprawling city. It was populated by pariahs who had escaped the grasp of the Eternal Empire, establishing a criminal-run community entirely separate from the rest of Zakuul.


Throughout the War against Zakuul, the Heralds of Zildrog, followers of the mythical serpent-god Zildrog and under the command of The Exalted, largely controlled Breaktown. The Outlander made two trips to Breaktown: once with Senya Tirall while searching for the Lady of Sorrows in 3631 BBY, and again with Kaliyo Djannis to set up explosives at the power junctions in 3630 BBY.

Behind the scenes

With the release of Update 4.0, Breaktown was introduced in the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

