Raid on Picutorion

The Raid of Picutorion is recorded as an event within the historical accounts of the Kwymar Suppressions. Following Picutorion's decision to side with the Rebels during 17 BBY, the Galactic Empire launched a military offensive against the planet.

Lead-Up to the Conflict

Commodore Bevven held command on the planet, overseeing the naval fleet and the complement of starfighters involved in the operation. High Colonel Theol Drost directed the ground-based forces.


During the military operation targeting a tracking station, an armor battalion from the 6th regiment, led by Lieutenant Colonel Tensiger, successfully broke through the Rebel defensive lines despite encountering intense opposition. Imperial troopers, including Captain Ganig and Sergeant Stecker, advanced into the station, only to be met with an attack from Rebel Y-wings.

Imperial Security Bureau agent Barezz compelled Drost to deliberately sacrifice Ganig and Stecker during the assault. This was due to suspicions that both men were secretly Rebel sympathizers, despite their distinguished service during the Battle of Sagma.

After a ten-minute firefight resulting in the complete loss of the unit within the station, Commodore Bevven deployed TIE Fighters with the objective of intercepting the attacking Y-wings.

Subsequent Events

Following the conclusion of the battle, the surviving Rebel elements attempted to evacuate from the planet. A Rebel squad was eliminated within Picutorion's spaceport by a stormtrooper unit under the leadership of Sergeant Major Beilert Valance.

