Raal Yorta

Raal Yorta was a male Human who played Sabacc. He collaborated with Sammie Staable, a bounty hunter, and Smileredon-Verdont, a pickpocket.


Raal Yorta, a gambler, lived a lavish and glamorous life, often finding himself short on funds. His father, Captain Yorta, held a significant executive position at Red Star Shipping Lines. Sometime before the events of the Battle of Yavin, Raal Yorta began working alongside Sammie Staable, the bounty hunter, and Smileredon-Verdont, the pickpocket. To make a living, Raal, like his partners, depended on gambling and conning small-time criminals to collect their bounties. Before the Battle of Yavin, Raal Yorta, Smileredon-Verdont, and Sammie Staable made an attempt to rob the Coral Vanda.

With Sammie's assistance, Yorta managed to apprehend the infamous Rodian criminal Ten-Suckers Madoom during a sabacc game on Ord Mantell. Unfortunately for the trio, Sammie's B23-1-14 permit had expired, resulting in a meager reward of 245 credits for the bounty. It was then that Sammie announced his intention to join the Rebel Alliance.

While intoxicated, Raal tried to dissuade Sammie in the Power Dive bar on Ord Mantell. However, Sammie was resolute and drew a blaster on Raal, taking the gambler hostage aboard Raal's own ship.

Behind the scenes

The character of Raal Yorta originated from a role-playing session led by Pablo Hidalgo in the "Rebel Breakout" adventure of the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, where Parris played the character. Two lines spoken by Yorta in Rookies: No Turning Back were derived from dialogue attributed to "3rd Rebel" and "4th Rebel" in the Adventure Script accompanying "Rebel Breakout."

