Quetemoor, a Human with a sallow complexion and a prominent jawline, was the leader of a Mugaari criminal organization. This family exerted considerable influence over a large portion of the Imperial City's criminal element. Formally recognized as Quetemoor the Sub-Elder, his authority was shared amongst his relatives, including his elder sister Quetemoor the Elder, his father Quetemoor the Venerable, his nephew Quetemoor the Younger, and other family members from different bloodlines.
Despite establishing a truce with Prince Xizor's comprehensive Black Sun organization, Quetemoor was perpetually engaged in conflict with smaller competitors. He sought to expand his share of the criminal market, and held particular animosity towards the crime boss Beuga Odell.
Despite his capacity for extreme cruelty towards those he opposed, Quetemoor possessed a strong sense of humor and a loud, resonant laugh. Independent contractors who managed to entertain Quetemoor would find themselves added to his "grimacers" list, subsequently receiving preferential assignments from his majordomo. He was the owner of a uniquely modified bulk transport known as the Cold Front.
The text describes Quetemoor as a "Human", however his game statistics classify him as a "Mugaari". Furthermore, "new species" statistics are provided for the Mugaari. Additionally, the Mugaari are portrayed as disliking Humans. One possible explanation is that Mugaari are a near-human species, and their dislike is specifically directed towards baseline humans.