Beuga Odell

Beuga Odell, the criminal overlord of Imperial City, was a stout Human woman who was either in her 70s or 80s. Although she appeared in surveillance holograms to be a kind elderly lady, those with knowledge of the Coruscant criminal network understood that she was extremely serious about controlling the gambling, smuggling, and drug businesses. For many years, Odell clashed with the Quetemoor crime syndicate, a rivalry that began when Quetemoor the Venerable was the leader of the Mugaari. Odell's organization eventually grew to the same size as Quetemoor's, but both groups were insignificant compared to the galactic influence of Black Sun. Beuga Odell was relieved that Black Sun was too vast to be actively involved in her activities, and she routinely bribed Mal Coramma, a Black Sun representative, to keep them away. She greatly desired to eliminate the significantly smaller organization led by the Shistavanen Volven Roxe, but she worried that doing so might spark a gang conflict.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
