Purala IV, a celestial object, was situated within the Purala system, which itself was located in the Kibilini sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. At some point leading up to 27 BBY, the Lords of Purala IV put in a request to the Kaminoan cloners from the planet Kamino to generate Human clones. These clones were intended to function as infiltration squads for the Puralan nobles. In 27 BBY, the Kaminoan geneticist Hali Ke made note of the Lords of Purala IV's request within an internal memo.
Originally, Purala IV was intended to be included in the 2012 reference book titled The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. However, the sidebar containing information on this astronomical body was removed before the book's publication.
Later, in 2014, the information concerning this astronomical object was made public as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut. This was a series of articles featured on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss, and it included various segments that had been cut from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The StarWars.com Online Companion for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas specified that the Purala system, and consequently Purala IV, was located in grid square Q-17.