Hali Ke, an inhabitant of Kamino and therefore a Kaminoan, held the distinguished position of senior research geneticist. They oversaw the cloning operations situated on the planet of Kamino, nestled within Wild Space. Throughout this time, Ke devoted considerable hours to interacting with Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter. These interactions involved extensive interviews and investigations into the characteristics that rendered him an optimal template for replication. Ke's inquiries into Fett and other Human individuals culminated in the creation of a formal report. This report detailed the findings of their investigations, alongside their insights regarding Humans as a species.
The memorandum concluded with Ke asserting that achieving complete sterility for a army composed of humans was fundamentally unattainable, given the inherent physiological requirements of the species. Nevertheless, Ke proposed several approaches to mitigate any adverse consequences that the ability to reproduce might impose on the Grand Army of the Republic. These strategies primarily revolved around structured training programs and restricting interactions with individuals who were not clones.
Back in 27 BBY, Hali Ke, a Kaminoan, served as the leading research geneticist at the cloning facilities located on the extra-galactic planet of Kamino. It was during this time that Ke authored an internal report. This report presented the outcomes of the Kaminoan's investigations into Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, and the practice of cloning Human subjects. The report provided a thorough account of their extensive research into the society, psychology, and biological characteristics of Humans. This research encompassed interviews with a diverse array of individuals, including a pirate from the Fair Hollis system and Kardavan penitents dedicated to assisting other beings. In comparing the diverse range of mental frameworks displayed by Humans, Ke observed that members of the species were capable of an exceptionally broad spectrum of ethical and moral viewpoints, exhibiting notable extremes at both ends of the spectrum. The Kaminoan concluded that Humans achieved dominance in the galaxy due to their remarkable capacity to adapt and become compatible with the diverse environments they inhabited.

During the course of Ke's investigations, the Kaminoan documented numerous interview sessions with prime clone Jango Fett, whom they believed embodied the inherent contradictions displayed by Humans. They acknowledged Fett's proficiency in his chosen field, but when they proposed that Fett lacked morality in a profession primarily focused on killing, the hunter strongly disagreed. The Kaminoan noted Fett's aversion to attachment, while simultaneously possessing the capacity to enlist the aid of a hundred mercenaries, both Mandalorian and otherwise, to contribute to the training of what would become the Galactic Republic's Grand Army. Although Ke observed that Fett exhibited little concern for the substantial sum of credits he received for his biological contribution to the creation of the clone army, the Kaminoan noted that the hunter would gently interact with his adopted son, Boba, upon returning from a violent hunt.
Continuing in the memorandum, they highlighted differences between Fett and his clones that would be deliberately implemented. These attributes identified by the geneticist included enhanced lung capacity, increased fast-twitch muscle fiber composition, improved endurance and recovery rates, as well as minor allergic sensitivities and astigmatism. The clones were also designed to be more compliant and predisposed toward collective identity, although Ke anticipated that some degree of Fett's individualistic nature would inevitably manifest.
Ke's investigations extended to the matter of engineered sterility within the clone army. Drawing upon findings from other Human clones engineered by Kamino, encompassing projects for Tarshan Ring Excavations and the Lords of Purala IV, the Kaminoan geneticist concluded that the clones' capacity to reproduce was, in fact, crucial to their performance. Ke projected that the unexpected absence of sterility in the clones would be offset by directing fundamental Human impulses toward unit cohesion and minimizing the army's interactions with non-clones. The Kaminoan also proposed the implementation of bioengineered contingency plans for behavioral modification, noting that such plans could prove valuable if further alterations were requested by their clients. Ke concluded by asserting that research would persist as Kaminoan geneticists continued their work on a species they regarded as both captivating and perplexing.
Hali Ke attained the position of senior research geneticist on Kamino and developed a deep fascination with the wide range of physiological and biological variations exhibited by the Human species. The geneticist considered the species to be among their favorites for study, and conducted interviews and psychoanalysis on a diverse spectrum of Humans from vastly different backgrounds, with Jango Fett being the most noteworthy.
Hali Ke was initially referenced in the 2004 novel Hard Contact, the inaugural novel in the Republic Commando series penned by Karen Traviss. The novel incorporated an excerpt from the Kaminoan's internal memorandum. This passage was subsequently expanded to encompass the complete memorandum, which was authored—excluding Traviss' contribution—by Jason Fry and was intended for inclusion in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare. Although the memorandum did not ultimately appear in the book, it was eventually released in the Author's Cut of the book on StarWars.com in 2014.