The Priests of the Sun were a religious order originating from Sedri who identified as Sedrian. This group held sway over Sedri from the city of [Fitsay],(/article/fitsay) drawing power from a force-sensitive coral entity known as the Golden Sun, a communal intelligence. Cardo, the High Priest of the Golden Sun, was the leader of the Priests.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a former member of the Priests of the Sun named Karak developed an ambition for control, specifically seeking the power held within the Golden Sun. To achieve this, he assembled an army of renegades who shared the belief that all Sedrians should have access to the Golden Sun's power, which initiated a war against the ruling Priests. Further assistance came from the Galactic Empire, who, after an accidental discovery, established an garrison on the planet. Karak intended to share the Golden Sun's power with the Imperials, and also offered them Mors Odrion, a Rebel Alliance diplomat previously captured by his renegades. In the course of the civil war, the Priests received aid from a contingent of Rebel soldiers who arrived to rescue the missing diplomat, as well as from former renegades of Karak who had become disillusioned upon learning of his arrangement with the Imperial forces.
When Karak, along with his remaining renegade forces, launched an assault on the Sun caves, the location of the Golden Sun, the Priests and the Rebel forces acted to distribute the Golden Sun's power to all Sedrians, effectively severing Karak's source of power. Subsequently, the former Bishop of War was apprehended and incarcerated for his act of betrayal.