Golden Sun existed as a Force-sensitive collective consciousness. It was composed of countless polyps inhabiting a coral reef found within the oceans of the planet known as Sedri. The indigenous Sedrians held Golden Sun in high worship, constructing a dome to shelter its cave located in Fitsay, the Sedrian capital. The reverence for Golden Sun was integral to Sedrian society, with the High Priest of the Golden Sun serving as the supreme leader of all Sedrians.
Harnessing the combined power of thousands of minds linked through the Force, Golden Sun functioned as an incredibly potent energy source. Crystals drawing energy from Golden Sun fueled Sedrian technology, and its Force healing abilities formed the cornerstone of Sedrian medical practices. Furthermore, Golden Sun emitted sufficient energy to influence Sedri's gravitational measurements, causing the small planet to appear as massive as a star.
The Sedrians, in their devotion to Golden Sun, remained unaware of its true identity as a sentient, living entity. In fact, the High Priest during the Imperial period regarded Golden Sun as merely a resource for the Sedrian populace. This particular priest also maintained the dome enclosing Golden Sun in a closed state, thereby diminishing the water flow through it. Given that Golden Sun's polyps sustained themselves by filtering microorganisms from the water, this effectively led to its starvation. Golden Sun attempted to communicate telepathically with the priest in order to rectify this situation, but these efforts only resulted in the priest experiencing unsettling dreams that he failed to comprehend.