
The Predominance, captained by Av'muru, served as the flagship for the Ishori task force over Bothawui during the Caamas Document Crisis; it was an Ishori war cruiser.

Leia Organa Solo prevented the Predominance from attacking a pair of Sif'krie skiffs shortly before the Second Battle of Bothawui. She accomplished this by damaging the Millennium Falcon to limit its maneuverability and then appealing to Captain Av'muru for assistance for herself and Trustant Elegos A'Kla of the Caamasi Remnant. Because the Ishori strongly supported the Caamasi, Av'muru ceased his attack to provide aid.

During the battle itself, the Predominance played a pivotal role. Imperial infiltrators seized control of a turbolaser cluster, firing eight shots into Drev'starn, the capital city. Although the cluster's power was swiftly disabled, the attack initiated the battle.

Later, Leia Organa Solo, who was onboard to negotiate a truce alongside President Ponc Gavrisom, commandeered the Predominance to hunt for the cloaked Imperial vessels that had seized the Millennium Falcon. Captain Av'muru threatened her with death according to Ishori War Law for this action, but President Gavrisom intervened, retroactively legitimizing her actions as an official emergency requisition under Section 45-2 of the Treaties of Allegiance.

