Passel Argente

Passel Argente, a male Koorivar, held the position of Magistrate within the Corporate Alliance. Furthermore, he represented his homeworld of Kooriva as a member of the Galactic Senate during the Galactic Republic's decline. He committed his forces to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and served on the Separatist Council until his death on Mustafar at the hands of Darth Vader when the Clone Wars ended.


Passel Argente, a Koorivar of the male sex, originated from the planet of Kooriva, the species' home. He became a member of the Corporate Alliance, eventually rising to lead the organization as its Magistrate. In addition, he served as Kooriva's senator in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. Argente was among those senators who backed the Vote of No Confidence proposed by Queen Padmé Amidala against Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, which resulted in Valorum's removal and the subsequent election of Sheev Palpatine.

By the time Count Dooku had left the Jedi Order, Argente had become acquainted with him, and was responsible for introducing Dooku to Wilhuff Tarkin, the governor of Eriadu, while they were on Coruscant. Dooku was secretly building a coalition of influential industrial figures, including the Corporate Alliance's rivals in the Commerce Guild. Nevertheless, when Dooku resurfaced as the head of the Separatist movement about eight years later, Argente was the first member of the Galactic Senate to support what would become the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which encouraged other senators to support Dooku.

In 22 BBY, Argente and other corporate leaders met with Dooku on Geonosis to discuss a proposed treaty. Dooku, who was gathering forces to establish his Confederacy, sought the Corporate Alliance's support, but attacks by the Jedi and the Grand Army of the Republic triggered the start of the Clone Wars on Geonosis. Argente gave up his Senate seat, joined Dooku's cause, and became a member of the Separatist Council after promising the Corporate Alliance's forces to the Separatist Alliance. During the war, Passel Argente had a rivalry with fellow separatist Wat Tambor. When the Skakoan learned that the Corporate Alliance's leader had hidden his wealth on Ryloth, he prioritized the invasion of that planet.

Argente was killed with the rest of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader on Mustafar.

As the war drew to a close, Argente joined his fellow council members on Utapau, and from there was dispatched to Mustafar by General Grievous. Argente was in the control room when Darth Sidious informed the Council that his new apprentice, Darth Vader, was coming to deal with them. Once Vader entered the control room, he began to slaughter every member of the Council. As the Sith Lord cut down several aides, including Argente's own personal aide Denaria Kee, Argente tried to escape but was fatally struck in the neck by Vader's lightsaber.


While present on Geonosis, Argente was wearing a brown shimmerbird tongue robe complete with a crocheted hood and the brooch of Luristan.

Behind the scenes

In the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, the second movie in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Passel Argente was portrayed by Steven Boyle. Marty Wetherill then portrayed him in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

