The Separatist Council, also referenced as the Executive Separatist Council, functioned as a ruling entity within the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with Count Dooku at its helm. This council comprised prominent Separatist figures representing the major organizations that supported the Separatist cause during the Clone Wars, such as the Trade Federation, Techno Union, Corporate Alliance, Commerce Guild, and InterGalactic Banking Clan. The Council met its end through betrayal by Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who ordered their slaughter on Mustafar in 19 BBY by his new apprentice Darth Vader, thus dissolving the Confederacy's leadership and ending the war.
Prior to the establishment of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku of Serenno forged secret alliances with significant galactic corporations, including the Techno Union, Commerce Guild, and Trade Federation. While aligning with the Count presented risks, becoming a founding corporation of the Confederacy offered unique advantages, most notably a seat on the Council.

In 22 BBY, the Council members convened on Geonosis to strategize with Count Dooku regarding their combat operations against the Galactic Republic. Senator Rogwa Wodrata was also in attendance. By the time of their meeting, the Trade Federation, led by Viceroy Nute Gunray, had committed its Droid Army to Dooku, prompting other corporations to follow suit. The Council supplied the CIS with funding, warships, and droids. Despite their business agreements with Dooku, these corporate leaders also sought to maintain relationships with the Republic, viewing the impending Clone Wars as an opportunity to profit from both sides.
During the Clone Wars period, the Council operated as the covert force behind the official civilian Separatist Senate, which handled civil affairs, while the Council managed military matters and finances. The motivations of its members were primarily rooted in personal gain and avarice. The Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY resulted in Count Dooku's demise, a scheme orchestrated by Darth Sidious to manipulate Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker into embracing the Dark Side. Following this battle, the Council members were placed under the protection of General Grievous. Acting upon instructions from Lord Sidious, Grievous directed the Council to relocate to the volcanic world of Mustafar in the Outer Rim Territories. The Council departed Utapau shortly before a battle erupted on the planet between the Republic and the Confederacy, leading to Grievous's death at the hands of Skywalker's mentor, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Shortly thereafter, Sidious communicated via hologram, informing them that his new apprentice, Darth Vader, would oversee their security, unaware that he had actually sent Vader to eliminate them, as he no longer had any need for the Council members. With the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire and the Council annihilated, the Confederacy disintegrated following the deactivation of its droid armies.
The Executive Separatist Council served as the advisory and essentially governing body of the Confederacy, overseen by the Head of State, Count Dooku. While the Separatist Senate was the officially designated legislative branch, Dooku, empowered with emergency wartime authority, largely disregarded it.
The council's membership included several Separatist leaders:
- Nute Gunray [12] - Viceroy of the Trade Federation and leader of the Council [4]
- Wat Tambor [12] - Foreman of the Techno Union and Emir of Ryloth
- Poggle the Lesser [12] - Archduke of Stalgasin hive
- San Hill [12] - Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan
- Shu Mai [12] - Presidente of the Commerce Guild
- Passel Argente [12] - Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance
- Po Nudo [12] - Senator of Ando and leader of the Hyper-Communications Cartel
- Rogwa Wodrata [2] - a former Republic senator [8]
- Tikkes [12] - Senator of Mon Cala and the Quarren Isolation League
These leaders received assistance from various aides, including Rune Haako, Cat Miin, Sun Fac, Denaria Kee, Rute Gunnay, an unidentified Purkoll citizen, and Nank Tun.
In Revenge of the Sith, an unidentified Separatist can be seen seated alongside Tikkes on Utapau. However, due to the character's lack of dialogue or focus, it remains unclear whether this Separatist was a member of the Separatist Council or simply an assistant. Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group has mentioned that the character was added to the scene as a separate element during production, but he has been unable to locate a name for the character or any still photographs from that particular shoot.