Pari' Notgoth, a crime boss of the Gotal species, conducted his illicit activities within the Tamarin sector. The bounty hunter named Milacass was, for a duration, under Notgoth's employment. However, an assassination attempt on Notgoth's life transpired circa 3 BBY, with the blame being placed on Milacass. Despite his innocence and the fact that he was set up, Milacass chose to flee.
Notgoth occasionally collaborated with Marg Sonat, a fellow crime lord who operated under the command of Sard Nightbringer. Sonat, desiring to usurp Nightbringer's position, entered into a conspiracy with Notgoth and the Rodian criminal Morgotou. Nevertheless, Sonat harbored distrust towards Morgotou and instructed Notgoth to eliminate him.
As part of Sonat's scheme, Notgoth adopted the persona of a New Republic representative during an auction where Nightbringer intended to sell a prototype of power armor. Notgoth was unable to secure the armor for himself at the auction, as Natja, representing the Hutt clan, outbid him. Subsequently, Sonat located and murdered Natja.
A group of independent smugglers discovered Morgotou's corpse and traced its origin back to Notgoth. Notgoth revealed to the smugglers Sonat's involvement in Natja's demise, but ultimately, Notgoth engaged in a battle to the death.