Outpost Shear

Outpost Shear was a defensive fortification utilized by the Jabiimi Nationalists, who were allied with the Confederacy, on the planet of Jabiim. During the Battle of Jabiim, it became the third strategic point seized by the Galactic Republic forces, following their earlier victories at Camp Aurek and Point Down within the conflict's second week.


During the Clone Wars, Outpost Shear functioned as a defensive stronghold for the Jabiimi Nationalists who were aligned with the Confederacy on the planet of Jabiim. While pursuing Commander Alto Stratus, forces of the Galactic Republic managed to capture both Camp Aurek and Point Down during the second week of the Battle of Jabiim.

Within that same week, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by his First Lieutenant Anakin Skywalker and ARC trooper Alpha-17, spearheaded an assault on Outpost Shear, employing the first-generation All Terrain Armored Transports, All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, and All Terrain Experimental Transports. As they successfully overwhelmed the main position, Alpha-17 advised Kenobi to execute a flanking maneuver to cut off the enemy's retreat. Unprepared for the brutal nature of the fighting on Jabiim, Jedi Master Sirrus and his Padawan Aubrie Wyn, a highly skilled healer from the Jedi Temple, joined the offensive at Outpost Shear in search of General Kenobi. Acting on her Master's suggestion, Wyn healed a wounded Nationalist soldier, leading her to question whether the Jedi were primarily soldiers or healers.

Following Kenobi's instructions, Kass Tod and Mak Lotor, Padawans belonging to the group known as the Padawan Pack, set up an ambush for the retreating soldiers as they attempted to escape along the flanks of the main Republic column. The outpost fell within days, and Alpha-17 intended to interrogate the captured soldiers for information regarding Stratus' location, while Obi-Wan Kenobi issued orders to regroup at their established camp.

At one juncture, a report from the HoloNet News Core Edition concerning the Separatist attack on Shelter Base was broadcasted from the base. The news report highlighted that the attack occurred after the Republic had successfully captured three Separatist defensive positions, including Outpost Shear.

Behind the scenes

Outpost Shear made its initial appearance in the 2003 comic book titled Republic 55, which was authored by W. Haden Blackman and illustrated by Brian Ching. Its identification was first established in "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:01," a HoloNet News report presented in-universe and penned by Pablo Hidalgo, which was featured in the sixty-ninth issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine in July of 2003.

