Outbid But Never Outgunned

"Outbid But Never Outgunned," a comic spanning 16 pages, can be found in Star Wars Tales 7. Beau Smith penned the story, while Mike Deodato, Jr., Neil Nelson, and Dave McCaig provided the artwork. This comic marks the debut appearances of Sintas Vel, Boba Fett's former spouse, and Ailyn Vel, their offspring. The article Unusual Suspects in Star Wars Gamer 6 established it within canon.

Plot summary

The Holographic Image of Boba, Sintas and their child.

The narrative commences with Boba Fett, a notorious Bounty Hunter and intrepid Mandalorian, in the process of extracting information from a repulsive individual. Fett tows the portly criminal behind his swoop, halting before a cave inhabited by a Globblin. As the ravenous creature draws near to the degenerate, he provides Fett with a data storage device containing the details Boba sought.

Fett then releases the thug and departs atop his swoop bike, abandoning the corpulent scoundrel to become the Globblin's meal.

Subsequently, Boba activates the holodisk received from the slimeball. An image of a stout man in extravagant attire materializes. This man possesses an item of interest to Boba and demands 6.3 million credits in exchange, threatening to offer it to the highest bidder otherwise. Observing the overweight businessman, known as Pizztove, mocking him, Boba responds by angrily pulverizing a rock he holds in his hand.

In the city of Bidamount, a cunning gangster employed by a businessman named Pizztov faces an assault from a bounty hunter identified as Sintas Vel. She insists on knowing Pizztov's whereabouts.

Moments later, in Pizztov's office, an explosion breaches the wall, and Sintas enters through the resulting cloud of smoke, eliminating Pizztov's bodyguard. She demands the return of an item Pizztov pilfered from her. Suddenly, another bodyguard approaches Sintas from behind, poised to crush her, but a projectile strikes his neck. Pizztov turns to witness "F-F-Fett" standing there in a terrifying reveal. As he attempts to negotiate his survival, Pizztov understands that his situation is dire. He then decides to be rude and fires at Fett, hurling his nearby girlfriend at Sintas. Pizztov then dives through the hole Sintas created upon entry.

After a brief moment of acknowledgment, Boba and Sintas leave to capture Pizztov. Sintas opts for the most direct route, leaping down the hole after Pizztov, while Boba chooses a different path, nonchalantly exiting through the door.

Sintas swiftly overtakes Pizztov, shooting him in the back. She retrieves the "canister" that both she and Boba seek and is about to open it when a shot strikes her arm, causing the canister to be dislodged from her grasp. Boba stands there, holding a smoking blaster. Pizztov regains consciousness and seizes one of Sintas' blasters, firing at Boba. Fortunately for Fett, Pizztov's aim is off. Fett retrieves his blaster and eliminates Pizztov. Boba picks up the canister and informs Sintas that without Pizztov's retina scan, opening the canister would have been fatal for her.

Boba activates the canister, revealing a holographic recording of Boba holding Sintas, who is cradling an infant. Boba hands the canister to the tearful Sintas, assuring her that "your wounds will heal," but Sintas responds with a whisper, "some never do."

