Orinn Tathis

Orinn Tathis functioned as a politician from Alderaan. In the initial period of the Galactic Empire's reign, Tathis held a position on the Council of Elders. He was away from his homeworld when the first Death Star obliterated it. As the sole remaining member of the Council, Tathis went back to the Graveyard with the aim of retrieving the remote control needed to summon the mobile armory ship named Another Chance.

Darth Vader's Operation Yavin Kill Two prevented his initial effort, which resulted in Tathis taking refuge within Asteroid 7785. Once he perceived the situation as secure enough, Tathis assisted the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their quest to locate what was left of the Royal Palace of Alderaan. Subsequently, Tathis summoned Another Chance back to the Graveyard and transferred the ship, along with its hidden stockpile of weapons, to the Alliance.

