Operation 45RA, a scheme devised by Braig Farool, aimed to tarnish the reputation of the Rebel Alliance in the eyes of the galactic populace, while simultaneously seizing control of the Rayter sector and securing the allegiance of the Shashay.
Since the Shashay became well-known throughout the galaxy, they successfully concealed the location of their home planet, Crytal Nest. During the Galactic Civil War, Shashay navigators committed the coordinates to memory and manually entered them whenever they guided a vessel to their world. Sometime between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, the Rebels approached the Shashay with a request to establish a clandestine base on their homeworld, intending to hide it from the Imperial Survey Corps. Although the Shashay sympathized with the Rebels, they initially declined the proposition.
Braig Farool, the planetary governor of Narg and the leading figure of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated within the Rayter sector, discovered two key pieces of information: first, that the Rebels had contacted the Shashay regarding the establishment of a base on their homeworld; and second, that the Rebels had planted a spy within the entourage of the celebrated Shashay entertainer, Crying Dawn Singer.
Farool sought assistance from his brother, Nak Farool, who served as an aide to Moff Nile Owen, and the pirate Yearo Seville. His plan involved having Seville kidnap Crying Dawn Singer and framing the Rebels for the act, thereby undermining any potential for collaboration between the two groups. Nak Farool presented the plan to Moff Nile Owen, allowing him to assume the role of a hero by "rescuing" Crying Dawn Singer, with the intention of securing the Shashay's loyalty to the Empire. However, the Farool brothers secretly intended to discredit Owen along the way, forcing his resignation so they could seize control of the sector for themselves.
Seville and his pirate crew ambushed Crying Dawn Singer at the Sector Performing Arts Center, abducting him and his entire entourage to Najarka. Upon uncovering the Rebel spy within the entourage, a protocol droid identified as KL-6TLF7V/T, Seville tortured the rest of the group to death before departing with Singer. The droid was left behind for Moff Owen to retrieve. However, Seville bypassed Moff Owen and delivered Singer directly to Braig Farool, initiating the first phase of their plan to discredit the Moff.
Upon learning of the abduction, Zeke Rondel, operating from Berrol's Donn in the adjacent Kriz sector, dispatched a team of agents aboard the Worthless Fool.
The Rebels located the abandoned droid on Najarka, but encountered Imperial forces during their escape. The Rebels also intercepted a broadcast message from Seville to the galaxy, in which he falsely claimed to be a Rebel and demanded that control of the Shashay homeworld be transferred to the Rebellion. The Shashay were outraged by what appeared to be a betrayal by the Rebels, and several of their astrogators took Rebel ships hostage until Crying Dawn Singer was freed.
The Rebels tracked the broadcast message to the communication node in the Laim system, where they uncovered the truth behind the scheme and discovered numerous additional fabricated messages prepared for broadcast. Their subsequent objective was to rescue Crying Dawn Singer, who had been taken to Braig Farool on Narg.
After losing the droid to the Rebels on Najarka, Owen discovered the fabricated messages and the plot to discredit him. Enraged, he immediately executed Nak Farool and set out to confront Braig Farool.
The Rebels successfully infiltrated Narg and the local TransGalMeg headquarters, rescuing Crying Dawn Singer and defeating Braig Farool in the process. Before the Rebels could escape, Moff Owen made a final attempt to capture the Shashay, but the Rebels managed to evade him.