Olev Madak

Olev Madak, a Duros technician operating out of Darknon Station throughout the Galactic Civil War, dedicated himself to repairing starships and providing somewhat lackluster upkeep to the space station itself. Due to outstanding gambling obligations, a band of bounty hunters hounded Madak, ultimately destroying his spacecraft upon his arrival at Darknon Station. Consequently, he found himself stuck there. Interestingly, Madak shared an uncanny likeness with the Duros entrepreneur known as Galladinium.

Behind the scenes

The image of Olev Madak was flipped to create the likeness of Galladinium in the publication Galladinium's Fantastic Technology.


  • Platt's Starport Guide (Initial appearance)
  • Pirates & Privateers
  • Platt's Smugglers Guide
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
