Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi served as pilot of a scarlet Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor all throughout the Clone Wars, frequently flying alongside R4-P17 as his droid astromech wingman.
In the year 20 BBY, it suffered considerable damage from Confederacy of Independent Systems weaponry during the Sullust Battle; the Jedi and droid only managed to escape untouched due to R2-D2's use of a built-in fire suppression system.
During the space engagement above Christophsis, Obi-Wan Kenobi briefly piloted his Delta-7B. He and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who flew in his own Delta-7B, engaged the remaining Separatist blockade around the planet, which was made up of Lucrehulk-class battleships and Munificent-class frigates.
After his triumph on Christophsis, Master Yoda instructed Kenobi to meet with Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine in order to assure him that the Jedi Order would locate and return his kidnapped son Rotta. In his Delta-7B, Kenobi traveled to Tatooine and landed outside Jabba's palace. A band of Jawas took an interest in the starfighter, but R4-P17 used her electro-shock prod on them, causing them to scatter.

Following his discussion with Jabba, Kenobi went back to his Venator-class star destroyer and set course for Teth so he could assist Skywalker and his new Padawan Ahsoka Tano in getting the huttlet back. Kenobi joined Clone Commander Odd Ball and Clone Flight Squad Seven in the aerial attack when he got to the planet. During the fight, vulture droids pursued Odd Ball, but he was unable to get rid of them. Kenobi stepped in to assist and took them out. Odd Ball apologized for losing his cool, but Kenobi said that it happens to everyone. He would leave the battle and land in the monastery's courtyard to support Captain Rex and find Skywalker.
When Cad Bane made off with a Jedi holocron and a memory crystal that held a list of every Force-sensitive youngling in the galaxy, the Jedi council came to the conclusion that the notorious bounty hunter would abduct the child Wee Dunn on Rodia. Kenobi was dispatched to the planet in his Delta-7B to find the child before Bane showed up. Kenobi hurried to the Dunn residence while his ship was being refueled by a PLNK-series power droid. In the end, he was unable to stop Bane.
To talk with Duchess Satine Kryze about a recent Death Watch terrorist attack on a Republic cruiser, Kenobi flew his Delta-7B to the planet Mandalore.
Kenobi and Skywalker both piloted their Delta-7Bs during the Sullust Battle. Assaj Ventress entered the fight in her Ginivex-class fanblade starfighter and went after Kenobi, damaging his fighter. Kenobi and Ventress crashed in the hangar of the Separatist flagship, and his starfighter went up in flames. Skywalker touched down next to him, and R2-D2 used his fire extinguisher to put the fire out. After fighting Ventress, Kenobi and Skywalker abandoned the flagship before it was destroyed.
Kenobi stopped using his Delta-7B sometime before the Destruction of the Separatist supply storage base and switched to an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor.
Obi-Wan Kenobi served as the starfighter's pilot and captain. R4-P17, Kenobi's astromech droid, served as the ship's navigator and repair technician in case it sustained damage during battle.