Ob Khaddor, a male Human, was a prominent and radical Alderaanian artist and practitioner of grass painting. He is best remembered as the creator of the moss painting titled Killik Twilight.
Hailing from Alderaan, a planet renowned for its thriving community of artists and philosophers, was Ob Khaddor, a male Human. As a young man, Khaddor enrolled in the prestigious and ancient University of Alderaan, a renowned institution of learning in the galaxy. There, he cultivated a reputation as both a radical and a disruptive figure. He pursued grass painting, crafting expansive artistic compositions by carefully cultivating various species of grass. His iconic work, Killik Twilight, was a moss painting portraying the Killik, an ancient race that once called Alderaan home. This painting was displayed in the Royal Palace of Aldera, just outside the chambers of the young Princess Leia Organa.
He was also the artist behind the paintings known as Feared and Fighter.
On one day, Khaddor learned of the impending visit of Galactic Emperor Palpatine to Alderaan. Known for his outspoken anti-Imperial views, the artist launched a campaign to gain permission to create a painting that would "honor" the Emperor's arrival. Upon Palpatine's arrival, he was presented with a seemingly flattering portrait. However, Ob Khaddor had cleverly orchestrated a deception against the Empire. He had strategically planted black lilies that would bloom in a way that made the Emperor's skin appear decayed and rotten.
Enraged, Palpatine demanded that the entire grassplain be burned to the ground. Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa offered a personal apology, feigning outrage. However, Ob Khaddor avoided the consequences of his defiance, having secretly fled the planet before the arrival of the Imperial delegation. Subsequently, the Empire placed a death mark on Khaddor, and numerous bounty hunters pursued him. Nevertheless, Ob Khaddor's final whereabouts remained unknown after the destruction of Alderaan in 0 BBY, during that year. Hari Seldona, an Alderaanian poetess, extensively mentioned Khaddor in her writings about her destroyed homeworld.