Novolek Beacon

The Novolek Beacon, a pulsar type star, resided within the Periphery, specifically situated between the locations of Nwarcol Point, Sriluur, and Sedri. Functioning as a conduit for trans-dimensional energy, it emitted rhythmic bursts of radiation, thermal energy, and particulate matter. Gravitational forces, operating across multiple dimensions, traversed the star, thereby generating a substantial hyperspace shadow. Despite these effects, the star lacked sufficient mass to undergo a collapse into a singularity. A peculiar phenomenon, known as the Ei'shuun Aa Effect, caused fragments of stellar plasma to detach from the Beacon at irregular intervals, each fragment carrying a disproportionately large hyperspace shadow. Furthermore, the very fabric of subspace experienced distortion. However, to the unaided natural eye, the star appeared as a standard particle fountain. The star exhibited a flare-up every 28 days, 12 hours, and 42 minutes, with the duration of each flare ranging from a few minutes to as long as two days.

The Hutts initially discovered the Beacon during their early explorations of this region of space, predating the establishment of the Old Republic, around the year 25,100 BBY. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Hutts had engaged in numerous unsuccessful attempts aimed at destroying the pulsar. They attributed numerous shipping delays and the loss of smuggling shipments carried out by their employees to the star's influence. Additionally, pirates were known to exploit the Novolek system as a haven, knowing that their targets would be unable to transmit distress signals.

In the year 3 ABY, scientists were actively researching the most recent endeavor at the direction of Durga the Hutt. Around the same period, coinciding with the conclusion of a competition designed to identify the most capable prospective operatives for his superior, Sprax, Mal Biron, an agent of Black Sun, deployed a comsat near the Beacon. The competitors included individuals such as Nabrun Leids, Elis Helrot, Kal'Falnl C'ndros, Rycar Ryjerd, and the pirate Morturr Heth, who was operating under the alias Az-Iban.

