Nwarcol Point

Nwarcol Point Nwarcol Point, alternatively called the Sisar Terminal, functioned as a significant refueling station. It was situated within the Nwarcol system at the convergence point of the Sisar Run and the Salin Corridor. Although relatively compact in size, it experienced substantial traffic volume. This was due to its strategic position (drawing numerous small to medium-sized transport vessels heading towards the Outer Rim Territories) and also because of direct financial backing from Xizor Transport Systems. A casino was present within the station, generating approximately 20% of its total revenue. Security measures comprised a contingent of Weequay guards overseen by Black Sun Vigo Sprax, in addition to three CR90 corvettes and more than forty other starships equipped for combat. The commander of the starfighter forces stationed at Nwarcol in 3 ABY was Welinarro, a former Rebel Y-wing pilot.

