
Nolor was once a Human male within the ranks of the Jedi Order, participating in the Clone Wars. As the war drew to a close, he succumbed to the temptations of the dark side of the Force during a battle against the Separatist forces. Following the issuance of Order 66—the decree from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine that commanded the elimination of all Jedi—he became a hunted fugitive. Members of the Inquisitorius, an organization comprised of Dark Jedi and Dark Side Adepts serving the newly established Galactic Empire, eventually tracked him down and convinced him to join their ranks.

After undergoing training to become an interrogator, Nolor was selected to participate in the Sarlacc Project, a clandestine operation focused on constructing a Super Star Destroyer prototype. Operating from the project's headquarters at Imeici Spire on Coruscant, Nolor's role involved extracting knowledge from the minds of starship designers, which was then utilized in the design of the massive vessel. When members of the anti-Imperial Alderaanian Resistance successfully infiltrated Imeici Spire, Nolor was dispatched, accompanied by two apprentice Inquisitors and two Coruscant Guards, to confront them. However, he met his death during the ensuing confrontation.


Nolor was a Human who belonged to the Jedi Order, and as a young man, he participated in the Clone Wars, a galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, as the conflict neared its conclusion, he fell to the dark side of the Force during an engagement with the Separatists. Shortly thereafter, he narrowly escaped death during the execution of Order 66—the directive from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordering the Republic's clone troopers to eliminate all Jedi. Nolor became a fugitive, pursued by early members of the Inquisitorius, an order of Dark Jedi and Dark Side Adepts serving the newly formed Galactic Empire. Recognizing his potential, they convinced Nolor to join their ranks and serve the Empire.

After being molded by the Inquisitorius into a skilled interrogator, Nolor was assigned to the Sarlacc Project, an Imperial endeavor focused on the construction of a Super Star Destroyer prototype. He, alongside other members of the Inquisitorius, operated from the project's administrative center, Imeici Spire, a newly erected structure within the CoCo Town district of Coruscant. Utilizing his Force-aided interrogation skills, Nolor extracted knowledge from captive starship designers, information that was then used to develop designs for the gigantic prototype.

Around 17 BBY, the anti-Imperial Alderaanian Resistance dispatched a team of agents to Coruscant with the goal of locating the Sarlacc Project's base. They successfully infiltrated Imeici Spire, and after the Imperials detected the security breach, Nolor was sent to confront them. Accompanied by two apprentice Inquisitors and two Coruscant Guards—members of an elite stormtrooper unit—Nolor engaged the Alderaanians on Level 188 of the tower, an area still under construction. While the apprentice Inquisitors and Coruscant Guards used service lifts to reach the level, Nolor approached the Alderaanians via a stairway. He initiated the attack by hurling a large object at them using the Force, while simultaneously using the Force to choke one of them. Ultimately, however, Nolor was defeated and killed, and Imeici Spire was destroyed after its self-destruct sequence was activated during the battle.

Personality and traits

Nolor's body was marked with scars from the battles he had endured. As an Inquisitor, he wore black robes trimmed with crimson, devoid of a cape or hood, which allowed his scars to be readily visible. He wielded a red-bladed lightsaber that he had constructed himself, and he also carried a blaster. His expertise as an interrogator made him ideally suited for extracting information from the minds of the Sarlacc Project's designers.

Powers and abilities

In combat situations, Nolor would leverage his skills in Force-guided interrogation to gain an advantage over his opponents. Another of his preferred tactics was to employ a mind trick on one target while simultaneously using his telekinetic abilities to hurl small objects at another. He also possessed the ability to use the Force to choke individuals and to call upon the dark side to temporarily enhance his Force powers. Nolor was multilingual, fluent in Basic, as well as Bocce and Huttese.

Behind the scenes

Writer Sterling Hershey created Nolor, and he made his sole appearance in The Core of Corruption, the sixth scenario of the Dawn of Defiance campaign, a Wizards of the Coast online supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. In the supplement, the Alderaanian agents are player characters, and their confrontation with Nolor can be resolved in various ways. When Nolor initially enters the fight, the object he throws at the group is either a large beam or a metal plate. If Nolor is the last Inquisitor remaining, he fights to the death, triggering the tower's self-destruct sequence just as he is about to be defeated. Even if the players do not kill him directly, he perishes when the tower collapses. It is also possible for the players to capture him, but in that case, one of the other Inquisitors initiates the self-destruct sequence, resulting in Nolor's death regardless.

