Apprentice Inquisitor

Those aspiring to become agents within the clandestine Inquisitorius division of Imperial Intelligence were called Apprentice Inquisitors. Even though they hadn't achieved full Inquisitor status, Apprentice Inquisitors, such as Brakiss, were dispatched into the field for practical experience. A notable example of this involved Brakiss's covert mission into the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4. Luke Skywalker, being cognizant of the mole's true affiliation, attempted to sway the young man towards the light side. During a training simulation, Brakiss came to terms with the darkness that resided within him, and subsequently fled. He supplied the Inquisitorius with intelligence he had gleaned from the Praxeum before setting out to chart his own destiny.

The term Apprentice Inquisitor could also designate an Inquisition member undergoing tutelage under a more experienced Inquisitor. For example, Renefra Ren served as an apprentice to the Inquisitor Probus Tesla, who himself had previously been an apprentice of Inquisitor Kuthara.

