Nico Medina, a male human captain, commanded a Republic cruiser during the time of the Separatist Crisis. One year prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, he was tasked with transporting Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Kit Fisto to the Fondor system. There, they reinforced a mission led by Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bultar Swan.
In the year 23 BBY, Medina skillfully navigated a Consular-class cruiser towards Nallastia, the jungle-covered moon of the planet Fondor. His objective was to free the Fondorians from the schemes of Groodo the Hutt. Groodo's ambition was to monopolize the starship manufacturing industry by destroying the Fondor Shipyards, the Fondor Spaceport, and the surface factories.
Following Mace Windu's instructions, Captain Medina prepared his starship for immediate departure once the Jedi completed their tasks at the Skull Queen's fortress. Master Windu then presented Medina with the Stars of Nallastia, potent gems capable of disrupting energy-field. These gems were to be used to penetrate Fondor's defensive shields activated by Groodo's Droid Control Army. Medina accepted this seemingly magical solution with surprising composure, having witnessed even stranger occurrences during his career. The ship's mission was to proceed directly to the Fondor Spaceport, with the aim of liberating it from Groodo's control.
However, as the cruiser ascended from the fortress's landing zone, Medina and his co-pilots were unexpectedly attacked by a venrap, a type of snake indigenous to the surrounding jungle. This assault caused the ship to veer sharply and plunge towards the moon's surface. The aggressive creature, characterized by its purple skin and sharp fangs, coiled tightly around the three seated pilots, intending to either crush them to death or incapacitate them with its poisonous venom. The pilots were rendered unconscious and slumped forward in their seats until Master Windu and Quenelle, the Skull Queen, intervened. They rushed to regain control of the ship and kill the beast. The Skull Queen delivered the fatal blow, striking the serpent between the eyes with her vibroblade. The snake's now-lifeless body tumbled to the cockpit floor and slid back into the lounge area.
After this unsettling encounter, Captain Medina and his crew were stabilized and soon recovered.