Niano Organa

Niano Organa was a male human who belonged to the House of Organa. He was the offspring of Duke Kayo Organa and Duchess Celly Organa, in addition to being the adoptive cousin of Princess Leia Organa.


Duke Kayo Organa and Duchess Celly Organa were the parents of Niano Organa; his aunt was Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan. He was also a cousin of Princess Leia Organa, who was the adopted daughter of Queen Breha and Senator Bail Prestor Organa.

The cousins, Leia and Niano Organa, had an argument at a family get-together on Alderaan.

During the age of the Imperial Era, Niano was present at a gathering organized by the officials of the House of Organa on Alderaan. When his cousin Leia expressed gratitude to Y-O for providing her with food, Niano ridiculed her for thanking a droid, which he considered an inferior being. He further stated that Leia would never truly be an Organa due to her adoption. Leia retorted by pointing out Niano's constant need for his father's approval and his attempts to impress him. This angered Niano, and he left Leia's presence. Later, despite encouragement from her father, Bail, she declined to apologize to Niano because of his prejudiced views against droids.

Personality and traits

Niano Organa was a male human with black hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and a light complexion. Organa held anti-droid sentiment, believing that showing kindness to droids, which he referred to as lower forms of life, was unnecessary. He also did not accept Leia as a genuine member of the House of Organa due to her adoptive status. He enjoyed playing Hologames at his residence.

Behind the scenes

Niano Organa made his debut appearance in the initial episode of the television series Obi-Wan Kenobi, which premiered on May 26, 2022. Although he was not named in the episode itself, the credits identified him as "Cousin Niano Organa" and credited Ian Inigo as the actor who portrayed him.

