
Nevarro, a planet of volcanic nature, existed inside the Dalicron sector within the Outer Rim Territories, and was connected to the Hydian Way. Its surface was largely composed of extensive lava fields and volcanic rivers, and it featured a capital city that evolved into a vital port and commerce center in the Outer Rim.

During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire exerted its authority over Nevarro, but this control waned following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. In the aftermath, Nevarro descended into lawlessness, becoming a sanctuary for bounty hunters employed by Greef Karga, an operative of the Bounty Hunters' Guild and Guild Master of the Nevarro Hunters, whose headquarters was located within a cantina. Nevarro experienced a brief conflict when Din Djarin, a hunter of bounties, rescued Grogu, an infant, after initially delivering him to a member of an Imperial remnant in a prior assignment, thus betraying the Guild.

After Djarin's departure from Nevarro, Imperial forces, under the command of Moff Gideon, reclaimed control of the planet. Karga later manipulated Djarin into returning to Nevarro with Grogu. However, he subsequently had a change of heart and joined forces with Djarin to defeat the Imperials, preventing the Child from falling into their hands. Despite Gideon's presence, Djarin and his allies successfully overcame the Imperial remnant, granting Karga and Carasynthia Dune, who would soon become a Marshal, the opportunity to transform the planet into a respectable hub for business.

Djarin then continued his journey with his young companion, eventually returning to Nevarro for repairs. After reuniting with Karga and Dune, Karga arranged for his mechanics to repair the ship, and Karga and Dune gave Djarin a tour of the city. Karga then requested Djarin's assistance in destroying an Imperial base on the planet. There, they discovered that Moff Gideon was still alive and was seeking to obtain Grogu's blood for experimental purposes. Ultimately, they succeeded in destroying the base, liberating Nevarro from Imperial influence.

In later times, Nevarro evolved into an autonomous trading port along the Hydian Way, governed by Karga, who assumed the title of High Magistrate and opted not to align with the New Republic. Following an attack by Gorian Shard's pirate gang, Gorian Shard, the Pirate King, seized control of the planet. Karga then sought assistance from Captain Carson Teva of the New Republic, but the New Republic Requisitions declined to intervene, citing Nevarro's independence. Instead, Teva enlisted the aid of the Children of the Watch, who successfully liberated the planet and were granted land on Nevarro.


The lava fields of Nevarro

Nevarro, a terrestrial planet, was located in the Dalicron sector of the Outer Rim Territories, within a system that included a single star and asteroid fields. Its orbit resulted in rapid sunsets. This ashen world, characterized by black sands, featured a rocky and volcanic landscape consisting of rocky flats, hills, and extensive fields of lava, which contained both surface and underground lava rivers. Its atmosphere was breathable for various species, although the atmosphere above Nevarro's lava rivers was burning and sulphuric.

While Nevarro's lava plains were largely inhospitable, the planet supported a variety of life forms, including the reptavian, a nocturnal predator that could lift prey into the air or incapacitate them with venom. Qartuums inhabited the lava fields, and lava meerkats dwelled within the fiery underground lava rivers.

Nevarro possessed a rich history, especially for an Outer Rim planet. It sustained a notable population and a vibrant culture. During the New Republic era, Nevarro served as a key point on the Hydian Way trade route, and its capital, Nevarro City, was a popular commercial hub.


Under the Empire

During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire held sway over Nevarro, establishing its presence in the planet's city. As part of the Imperial expansion, the Empire constructed a military base on Nevarro. Sometime during the Galactic Civil War, Rebel Alliance forces attacked the Imperial-controlled city. However, the lack of cover in the terrain led to significant Rebel casualties, and the planet remained under Imperial control until the war's end. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the bounty hunter Vukorah accepted a bounty to be delivered to Nevarro.

New Republic Era

A bounty hunter hive

Following the Empire's collapse and during the early New Republic Era, the Bounty Hunters' Guild established a presence on Nevarro, led by Greef Karga, who operated from a cantina in Nevarro City. By the time of the New Republic, a tribe of Mandalorians had settled in a covert within the sewers of the city.

In 9 ABY, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin worked for the Bounty Hunters' Guild, bringing numerous bounties back to Nevarro. After capturing several bounties, including a Mythrol who had previously worked for Karga on Nevarro before fleeing with stolen money, Djarin landed his starship, the Razor Crest, at a spaceport outside Nevarro City. Djarin met Karga in the Nevarro Hunters cantina, where, dissatisfied with the Guild's routine assignments, he accepted a job that required a direct meeting with the Client, a member of an Imperial remnant faction. The Mandalorian hunter met the Client at a facility elsewhere on Nevarro, where he learned about the Client's target. Following the meeting, Djarin visited the Mandalorian enclave, using his down payment of beskar to have a pauldron forged by the tribe's Armorer. Djarin then departed Nevarro for the planet Arvala-7, where his target was located.

Din Djarin rescued the Child on Nevarro, kicking off a battle between Mandalorians and bounty hunters.

After successfully acquiring the target, the Force-sensitive infant known as the Child, Djarin returned to Nevarro to deliver the bounty to his client. He took the beskar he had been given as a reward to his tribe's enclave in order to create more [armor](/article/armor], where he was confronted by fellow Mandalorian Paz Vizsla for taking a job from Imperials. Djarin met Karga in Nevarro's cantina for his next job, but before he could leave the planet, he felt remorseful for delivering the Child to the Imperials, and returned to the facility to rescue him.

The bounty hunter eliminated many of the Client's stormtroopers and rescued the Child. However, upon attempting to leave, he was confronted by Karga and the Guild hunters, who had been notified of his betrayal. When he refused to hand over the Child, Djarin was attacked by the other bounty hunters, but was saved by the intervention of the Mandalorians of his tribe, including Vizsla. Djarin escaped Nevarro, but not before being forced to shoot Karga, who survived.

Renewed Imperial control

Once Djarin left the system with the Child, the skirmish between the hunters and Mandalorians concluded, with many hunters leaving once they realized the Client's target had been taken. Following Djarin's escape from Nevarro, additional forces of the Imperial remnant, led by the former Moff Gideon, who was believed to have been executed for war crimes, seized control of the planet. The Imperial rule of Nevarro City hindered the operations of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. The Imperials also attacked the Mandalorian covert for revealing themselves and assisting in Djarin's escape, resulting in many Mandalorian deaths, although the Armorer speculated that some had survived and fled the planet.

The forces of Moff Gideon took control of Nevarro.

Some time later, Karga attempted to deceive Djarin into bringing the Child back to Nevarro, claiming he had a plan to kill the Client, although the Guild's true intention was to kill Djarin and return the Child. Djarin assembled a team of accomplices, including the former rebel shock trooper Cara Dune, the moisture farmer Kuiil, and the reprogrammed assassin droid IG-11, and landed in a remote area of Nevarro to meet with Karga and several Guild hunters. As night fell, the team set up camp but was attacked by the planet's winged predators, which killed one of Karga's hunters and injured Karga himself. The Child healed Karga's wounds using the Force, and the team continued toward the city after sunrise.

Retaking Nevarro

Having had his life saved by the Child, Karga had a change of heart and instead killed the Guild hunters, revealing his previous plan to Djarin and offering to help defeat the Imperials. While Kuiil protected the Child, Karga and Dune brought Djarin into the city, pretending that they had captured him and had come to return the Child. They were met by the Client, but he was contacted by Gideon, who revealed Karga's ruse. Gideon, having surrounded the cantina with his Imperial remnant forces, had the Client and his stormtroopers shot and killed through the window of the cantina. While attempting to return the Child to the Razor Crest, Kuiil was shot down and killed, and the Child was taken by two Imperial scout troopers. However, before the troopers could return the Child to Moff Gideon, IG-11 killed them and rescued the Child.

Trapped in the cantina, Djarin suggested escaping through the sewers to the Mandalorian covert. Gideon threatened to raze the cantina with an E-Web heavy repeating blaster unless Karga and his associates surrendered. IG-11 entered the city, shooting down a number of Imperial stormtroopers, including many of Moff Gideon's forces. Djarin was injured in the ensuing skirmish, and his associates retreated into the cantina. Karga and Dune entered the sewers with the Child, while Djarin allowed IG-11 to heal him, and the two followed their accomplices to the Mandalorian covert, finding it deserted except for the Armorer, who explained what had happened to the Tribe. The Armorer provided the fugitives with an escape route and equipped Djarin with a jetpack and a supply of munitions.

The Imperial remnant on Nevarro was defeated, but Moff Gideon survived.

Djarin and his accomplices escaped through the sewers to an underground lava river, while the Armorer was confronted by the Imperials, who she managed to defeat. As the fugitives attempted to travel down the lava river aboard a keelboat, Djarin detected a stormtrooper platoon at the exit of the tunnel. IG-11 sacrificed himself to kill the stormtroopers, allowing Djarin, Dune, and Karga to escape with the Child. When the team exited the tunnel, Gideon attacked in his TIE fighter. Djarin used his jetpack to latch onto the starfighter and destroy it, causing Gideon to crash into the lava fields. With the Imperial remnant defeated, Karga mused that Nevarro could become a haven for bounty hunters once again, Dune decided to remain with the Guild on the planet, and Djarin left to search for the Child's home. However, Moff Gideon had survived the crash, and broke out of his TIE fighter using the Darksaber.

Gaining independence

Following the defeat of the Imperial remnant on Nevarro, Karga and Dune rebuilt the city.

Instead of allowing the planet to revert to a "bounty hunter hive," as Djarin put it, Karga assumed control of the city's operations as Magistrate, with Dune serving as the [Marshal](/article/marshal], eliminating criminals, including a group of Aqualish thieves. Karga transformed the old cantina into a school, restoring the city to a respectable place for its citizens. The city streets became bustling with vendors, gathering places, and potted plants. Meanwhile, the Armorer fled the planet and established a new covert with Paz Vizsla, the only other Mandalorian she knew who had survived the massacre, on the Glavis Ringworld.

At one point, Djarin returned to Nevarro for repairs and was happily reunited with Karga and Dune outside the city. Karga instructed his two mechanics to work on Djarin's ship while he and Dune took their former companion through the revitalized city. Noting that Djarin had some free time while the repairs were being done, Karga brought him to his office and proposed a mission to take out the nearby Imperial base. Djarin agreed to the mission and traveled to the base in a landspeeder with Karga, Dune, and the Mythrol he had captured earlier.

The group infiltrated the base to destabilize the coolant system that allowed the base to coexist with the landscape's lava features. However, as they exited, the group realized that it was a laboratory and noticed several individuals suspended in tubes as well as a hologram that involved Dr. Pershing communicating with Gideon. Realizing the transmission was from three days ago, they realized Gideon was still alive. Djarin used his jetpack to quickly return to the city, where he had left the Child, while Karga, Dune, and the Mythrol blasted their way out in a Trexler 906 Armored Marauder.

The New Republic pilot Carson Teva questioned Karga and Dune. Karga refused to cooperate, denying the involvement of the Razor Crest. Dune did not want to join the New Republic, but was given a badge and became Marshal and a ranger of the New Republic, and worked with the Nevarro authorities. She later left the planet and was recruited into the New Republic Special Forces.

Dealing with pirates

The planet then became an independent trade anchor and Outer Rim Hyperlane port of the Hydian Way under the leadership of Karga, who became High Magistrate. A construction boom was going on in the city, and money was made from belters that mined the asteroid fields at the edge of the system. Kowakian monkey-lizards resided peacefully on trees instead of being roasted.

Djarin returned to the planet, looking to repair IG-11, as he needed a droid to explore Mandalore. During his visit, Karga attempted to convince him to become the marshal of the planet, offering him land, but Djarin refused. They later had a showdown with the pirate Vane and some members of Gorian Shard's pirate gang. They let Vane escape the planet.

Gorian Shard returned to the planet and bombed it with his Corsair, and briefly took control of it away from High Magistrate Karga. However, Shard and most of his gang were killed when Karga received aid from the Children of the Watch under Djarin and Lady Bo-Katan Kryze. Together, they were able to take back control of the city. As a reward Karga ceded all land stretching from the western lava flats to Bulloch Canyon to the Mandalorians. While they did not have a home planet, he told them that they now have a home on Nevarro, to which the townsfolk cheered and celebrated.


Nevarro's cantina was home to the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

During the New Republic era, Nevarro was inhabited by a diverse array of species, including numerous operatives from the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Members of the Imperial remnant, led by Moff Gideon, also operated on Nevarro, which was eventually taken over by the former Moff himself. Following Djarin's rescue of the Child from Nevarro, a significant number of Guild hunters departed the planet. Species present within Nevarro City and the Bounty Hunters' Guild cantina included humans, Jawas, Melbu, Onodones, Rodians, Suertons, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Wickwar, and Zabraks.

A Mandalorian tribe resided in hiding within the sewers of Nevarro City, but they were eventually attacked by Moff Gideon's forces, resulting in numerous deaths and forcing any survivors to flee the planet, although the Armorer planned to remain until her beskar forging was complete. Din Djarin later inquired if the Mandalorians on the water moon of Trask the "Frog Man" knew of were survivors from Nevarro, but they were actually a group led by Lady Kryze of Mandalore. Outside of the city, Nevarro's lava fields were inhabited by Jawas who had adapted to their surroundings and would attempt to dismantle starships in the area.

The planet later became more respectable as a trade port of the Hydian Way, which attracted some of the best droidsmiths of the Outer Rim.


The outskirts of the Nevarro city

Nevarro featured sparse settlements amidst vast expanses of cooled volcanic rock. The capital city, carved into the terrain, housed a cantina that served as the headquarters for the Nevarro Bounty Hunters Guild, as well as the facility where Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant forces were based. A bazaar was located near the city's entrance, accommodating numerous residents and merchants selling their wares. Beneath the city, within a sewer, the Mandalorian group known as the Tribe maintained a hidden enclave.

An area designated for starship landings was situated outside the archway leading into the city. The Twi'lek healing baths were also located elsewhere on Nevarro. A region of lava fields surrounded the city, and an underground lava river connected the city's sewer to the fields. On Nevarro's lava rivers, ferry droids operated keelboats to provide safe passage for travelers.

Behind the scenes

One of the Nevarro sets utilizing the integrated LED screen

Nevarro made its initial appearance in Chapter 1 of The Mandalorian, the 2019 television show that debuted on November 12, 2019, via the Disney+ streaming platform. Its name remained unmentioned until the fifth episode, which was released on December 6, 2019. Before The Mandalorian premiered, a preview image of Nevarro was featured on on October 4, 2018.

The terrain seen on Nevarro drew inspiration from the arid lava fields of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, while the city's stone streets and archways were inspired by the architectural style of the Roman ruins at Pompeii. The markets depicted were a reference to those in Morocco and the Middle East.

Filming of Nevarro's scenes utilized a practical set that was encircled by a 360-degree LED screen. During filming, backdrops were projected onto this screen in real time, creating the visual effect of a tangible environment. Image Engine handled the creation of the computer-generated backgrounds for Nevarro, which included perspectives into the city and views of the landing bay at its entrance. Image Engine constructed a complete digital replica of Nevarro, which they then used to incorporate effects like blaster fire.

The digital model of the Nevarro city

Nevarro's scenery was digitally built using photogrammetry scans derived from locations found in Iceland and Hawaii. Industrial Light & Magic developed a library of assets for Nevarro, following a style guide provided by the Lucasfilm art department. Hybride then used this library, along with set photos and Lidar scans, to create assets for both the city and the landscape of Nevarro. These assets were subsequently used to generate different locations within the digital Nevarro city model.

