This dwelling, a gift to Din Djarin from High Magistrate Greef Karga for his role in defending the planet during the Pirate siege on Nevarro in 9 ABY, served as the home of Clan Mudhorn on Nevarro. Situated just beyond the limits of Nevarro City, Djarin and Din Grogu resided here in between their various exploits. A post for tethering animals is present at the location.
Following the Reconquest of Mandalore, Din Djarin and Din Grogu returned to Nevarro to visit High Magistrate Greef Karga, where Djarin was given ownership of the dwelling. Immediately after, he gifted the reconstructed IG-11 to Karga for use as the new Marshal of Nevarro. Sometime later, Djarin was seen relaxing on the porch while Grogu used the Force to levitate a frog from the pond in front of the dwelling.