
Sergeant Nethius functioned as both the customs officer and security personnel at Darknon Station.


Nethius held the distinction of being the sole security guard stationed at Darknon Station.

In addition to his official duties, Nethius was also an Imperial agent dispatched to Darknon Station. His mission was to observe the movements of spacers and notify Imperial command of any individuals or actions that appeared suspect. Although trained as a soldier and covert operative, he successfully concealed his real purpose.

Nethius's responsibilities included safeguarding the whereabouts of a clandestine Imperial research facility situated far within the Itani Nebula. Imperial starships on patrol would periodically deliver provisions to Darknon Station before continuing on to the Itani Nebula. Nethius cultivated a pleasant attitude, employing it to casually question spacers. His aim was to discern their authentic motives and ascertain if they presented any danger to the research facility's secrecy.


  • Platt's Starport Guide (Initial appearance)
  • Pirates & Privateers
The location of the Imperial research station, concealed within the Itani Nebula, was the secret Nethius was tasked with protecting.
