Neepers Panpick

Neepers Panpick, an extraterrestrial from his species, worked as a private investigator in the urban center of Canto Bight. This took place during the era of tension between the First Order and the Resistance. He maintained a friendship with Lexo Sooger, a masseur. When Sooger's adopted daughter, Lula, was abducted by the criminal overlord Sturg Ganna, Panpick offered counsel to his friend on rescuing her and steered him toward the Canto Casino Hotel. Sooger later dispatched to Panpick a copy of a digital storage device containing details of all Ganna's illicit activities, using it as a tool to prevent the crime boss from ending his life and Lula's. The detective was present at the Canto Casino in the year 34 ABY when Finn and Rose Tico, agents of the Resistance, arrived seeking the Master Codebreaker.


The Canto Bight gumshoe

During the Cold War between the First Order and the Resistance, Neepers Panpick, an alien male, operated as a private detective. His base of operations was an office situated in the upscale section of Old City, a district within the city of Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica. Despite his modest financial status, Panpick occasionally frequented the lavish Zord's Spa and Bathhouse, where he cultivated a friendship with Lexo Sooger, a Dor Namethian masseur, always requesting his services.

One instance involved Panpick being hired by a wealthy heiress who had misplaced her pet within Canto Bight. Panpick successfully located the animal concealed near the estate of Contessa Alissyndrex delga Cantonica Provincion. Upon its return, the heiress, overjoyed, doubled the detective's compensation. Panpick subsequently allocated these funds toward the purchase of a ceiling fan for his office and a brand-new suit.

A friend in need

Neepers Panpick aided his friend Lexo Sooger.

Approximately a week after Panpick's assistance to the heiress, Lula, Sooger's adopted daughter, was abducted by Sturg Ganna, a crime lord. Consequently, the masseur sought counsel at Panpick's office. He discovered Panpick seated at his desk, observing a live feed of the Canto Casino entrance on his left. Sooger presumed this to be surveillance data acquired through a deal between Panpick and the Canto Bight Police Department.

After Sooger recounted the events, he explicitly forbade Panpick from direct involvement due to the inherent danger of opposing Ganna. Instead, he requested a lead to initiate his mission to rescue Lula. Panpick directed him to the Canto Casino Hotel entrance, aware that Ganna possessed a suite there. The detective then shared his deductions regarding the suite's likely location and offered advice on Sooger's course of action. Additionally, he provided the masseur with three cantocoins to aid in funding the rescue. Following a discussion about Panpick's new ceiling fan, Sooger departed.

Leverage holder

Panpick spent time at Canto Casino.

Sooger successfully located his daughter within Ganna's suite and discovered a datapad containing extensive details of Ganna's illegal operations. The masseur instructed Lula to transmit this information to Panpick as leverage against the crime lord, with instructions to release it publicly if they failed to check in with him the following day. This enabled them to escape Ganna's suite unharmed.

Around the year 34 ABY, Panpick was engaged in conversation with an elderly human woman at a table within the Canto Casino when Finn, Rose Tico, and BB-8, agents of the Resistance, entered the casino in search of the Master Codebreaker. Panpick later encountered BB-8 during the droid's search of the casino, gazing down at it.

Personality and traits

No one knew more about the secrets of Canto Bight's elite than Neepers Panpick.

Panpick was a diminutive, two-legged alien characterized by a spherical, bald head and prominent black eyes that imparted a perpetually surprised expression. He possessed pink skin and brown whiskers. His vocal tone was high-pitched, thin, and reminiscent of a squeaking bird. Panpick possessed unparalleled knowledge of the activities and concealed secrets of Canto Bight's influential figures.

He exhibited an immediate awareness of Sooger's distress upon his visit, recognizing that his friends only visited his office when burdened by problems. He displayed genuine concern for the masseur and his daughter, but initially felt relieved when Sooger prohibited his direct involvement in opposing Ganna.

The detective's relief quickly transformed into guilt, followed by suspicion regarding Sooger's purpose in visiting if he forbade Panpick's assistance. Upon Sooger's request for a lead, Panpick promptly provided one, offering as much advice and information as possible to his friend. He also contributed funds to Sooger, asserting that it would alleviate his guilty conscience.


Despite his relatively modest financial standing compared to many Canto Bight residents, Panpick recognized the importance of presenting a favorable image to his clients. Consequently, he donned a black velvet suit, a long, quilted vest, and impeccably polished shoes. He utilized a datapad within his office.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Neepers Panpick was titled King 56.

Neepers Panpick was conceived for the motion picture Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi and was brought to life by Kiran Shah. Prior to the film's debut on December 15, 2017, the character was unveiled on July 15 through a behind-the-scenes video released on the official Star Wars YouTube channel. Subsequently, he appeared and was first identified in the short story "Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing," penned by Rae Carson and included in the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi collection on December 5. Concept art depicting Panpick's appearance in the film was created by creature concept designer Ivan Manzella and bore the title "King 56".

