Alissyndrex delga Cantonica Provincion, more commonly known as The Countess, was a female Idalowd who frequented the Canto Bight casino around the year 34 ABY. In that same year, she held the title of Countess of Canto Bight and held a stake in Zord's Spa and Bathhouse. She enjoyed watching the Fathier races. She adorned herself with the Onyx Bands of Cato Neimoidia. The Countess was also a rival to the Whippomorn gangster Sturg Ganna. During that year, she orchestrated the assassination of Jerdon Bly aboard Yasto Attsmun's yacht. Lexo Sooger, a former assassin turned professional masseur, was assigned the task. Sooger carried out the assassination of Bly and then, to conceal his escape, started a rumor about a fire on board, leading to the evacuation of everyone present. As one of the most, if not the most, influential figures in Canto Bight, it was in the best interest of those who visited the city and Casino to avoid crossing her.
When Lexo Sooger's adopted daughter, Lula, the adopted daughter of Dor Namethian was kidnapped by Sturg Ganna, a politician and crime lord of Canto Bight. Lexo, a humble masseur at Zord's Spa and Bathhouse, was prepared to do anything to get his daughter back. The Countess was forced to sell Zord's to Ganna, but due to advice from Sooger, who advised her against betting on Defancio Storsilt's stable, she earned enough to retain her share. The Countess, well-acquainted with both Sooger and Ganna, proposed a deal: he would assassinate a human named Jerdon Bly, who was selling weapons to both the First Order and the Resistance. In reality, the Countess aimed to exclude him from the market to sell the weapons directly to both factions, driven by personal animosity. Furthermore, she feared Bly becoming wealthier and more influential, which she couldn't allow. Sooger reluctantly agreed, as the Countess's assistance was crucial to securing his daughter's return. After succeeding, he returned to her; the powerful Countess had arranged a meeting with Ganna and asked Sooger for a personal favor: to find something that particularly interested her in the Councilor's library. Upon entering Ganna's suite and finding his daughter, Lexo also discovered a datapad exposing Ganna's plan to seize control of Canto Bight: He learned that the Crime Lord was in league with Bly - the human he killed - and not only that; he planned to make Ubialla Gheal lose his club, to his advantage, to destroy the Canto Bight police force and replace it with his own droids, to bankrupt the Storsilt stables and to buy the Zord's to bankrupt the Countess. He sent the information to his detective friend, Neepers Panpick, who kept it aside, and in case of danger he would send it to everyone who mattered in Canto Bight. Sturg was forced to let them leave and grant several of their demands including not buying out the Countess's share of the bathhouse. Thanks to Lexo and his daughter, the Countess's continued reign over Canto Bight was assured, she went to the Zord's and toasted Lexo Sooger, while Sturg Ganna was present, although he was being massaged by others.
Countess Alissyndrex was an extremely weathy and powerful Idalowd. Despite her husband, the Count, held the title of master of Canto Bight, the Countess wielded the true power in the city. Consequently, she indulged in her desires, enjoyed complimentary massages, and was perpetually seen with a glass of champagne or wine in hand. She would sip it slowly, and when it was empty she quickly had it refilled. Despite her frequent drinking she did not appear to become intoxicated. While not as cruel or self-serving as Big Sturg, the Countess was not entirely virtuous; she only helped Lexo Sooger because he had killed Bly, so he had done her a favor.
Though generally composed and shrewd, the Countess occasionally revealed her emotions, such as when she cried before Lexo, contemplating the sale of her share of Zord's Spa and Bathhouse, though she quickly composed herself and snapped at him for touching her when he offered sympathy. The Countess was skilled at flattery and enjoyed gambling, she also liked to show herself in public, and she thought she was very attractive. Despite her status and owning parts of various businesses in the city, the bulk of her wealth, however, was based on the sale of weapons to the First Order and the Resistance, and in times past, to the New Republic. Lacking genuine friendships, she inspired both fear and adoration, with people eager to accommodate her to avoid her displeasure. Indeed, anyone who threatened her or caused financial loss swiftly disappeared or met their demise. Alissyndrex remained wary of those as wealthy and powerful as herself, such as Sturg Ganna, and sought to maintain him as a trusted ally, but she proposed to Lexo to kill him too, because he was fast on the track to becoming richer than her and closing on toppling her from the city's power structure. Powerful as Ganna was, the Countess still had enough clout in Canto Bight to arrange for a power failure in his suite including his back-up generators in order to give Lexo Sooger the chance to find his daughter.
Despite her ruthless nature the Countess loved her husband dearly and spared no expense when paying for his medical treatment despite the financial burden. She was also generous to those who served her well; after Lexo had killed Bly, she she kept her word to arrange for a chance for him to infiltrate Sturg's suite. Ultimately she did have some level of compassion and empathy for others as she seemed genuinely concerned for the plight of Lexo's adopted daughter and was curious as to how she came into the possession of the Dor Namethian. After hearing the story as to how Lexo found and adopted her, the Countess offered to find Lula's real parents if they wished despite there being no real benefit for her in doing so.
The Countess also possessed an extensive intelligence network, revealing to Lexo her knowledge of his past; Being born into poverty and raised in the slave pits of Askkto-Fen IV tending to fighting slaves in the steam baths and how he was also used as an assassin to sabotage certain matches which shocked Lexo as he had told to nobody about his past but Lula. She was also confident she could find Lula's real parents needing only minor details like Lula's skin-color and the time Lexo found her abandoned to begin making inquires.
Alissyndrex was an Idalowd, characterized by purple-gray skin, a small, almost swallowed humanoid face overshadowed by a large, fleshy head resting upon another layer of flesh of the same color, obscuring her neck. Her clothes were made on Cato Neimoidia.