
Navolii was a Rodian of the female persuasion, a one-time pirate, who made her home on the planet of Rishi amidst the third Galactic War. She held a position as a member of the Tribunal.


Back in 3626 BBY, after a conversation with Jek-Burz, Navolii was contacted by proponents of the Feast of Prosperity, who requested her assistance in establishing the Feast on Rishi. She consented to provide help, but only if the advocates would first look into the water source under Raider's Cove for indications of deliberate damage.

Behind the scenes

Navolii tasks the player with looking into the residential water supply below Raider's Cove. She acknowledges that crabs may be the culprits of any damage, but she has a feeling that sabotage is afoot. If the player decides to investigate, they will discover that her suspicions were accurate; the Nova Blades were covertly tampering with the water supply.

On the other hand, the player could simply intimidate Navolii into backing the Feast, thereby bypassing the investigation.

No matter which path is taken, Navolii pledges to cast her vote in favor of bringing the Feast of Prosperity to Rishi.

