A former pirate of the Weequay species, Jek-Burz was a male who resided on the planet of Rishi amidst the third Galactic War. He held a position as a member of the Tribunal.
Back in 3626 BBY, certain proponents of the Feast of Prosperity contacted Jek-Burz, requesting his assistance in founding the Feast on Rishi. They wanted him to speak with the Tribunal and advocate for its allowance on the planet. Jek-Burz consented to help, but only if the proponents provided him with assistance in return, presenting them with a selection of tasks to undertake.
To secure Jek-Burz's vote for the establishment of the Feast on Rishi, the player character is presented with two distinct options. One option involves infiltrating the Blaster's Path Cantina to pilfer a bottle of Corellian wine for him. Alternatively, the player can choose to eradicate a contingent of Nova Blades who have defied the lawful methods of the Rishi Tribunal.
Irrespective of the chosen path, Jek-Burz will cast his vote in favor of permitting the Feast of Prosperity to take place on Rishi once the task is successfully executed.