Nahsu Minor, a planet characterized by its temperate climate and grassy landscapes, was situated in the Ktilac Regions. These regions formed an Allied Region within the Inner Rim. It served as the original home of the Murachaun species. The Murachaun, along with the Ktilacs and Tocoyans, two other species indigenous to the area, jointly cultivated a unique quasi-religious belief system where each species complemented the other two, resulting in the construction of an interconnected system of settlements, including cities, towns, and agricultural lands. During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire forcibly removed thousands of Murachaun from their homeworld to utilize them as slaves due to their renowned work ethic. Despite this, the planet itself remained relatively peaceful, although a significant number of Murachauns who were taken off-world secretly became members of the Rebel Alliance. The Ktilac Regions maintained their status as an Allied Region under both the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
A Murachaun.